HD Helpful Forms
Picture Cards


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Picture Cards

Below are a few of the small picture cards that were made for my daughter when she was having trouble communicating her needs to the temporary aids and nurses with Hospice. The cards were cut out and pasted with double-faced tape onto a cardboard sheet and the "pictures" depicted things she most commonly asked. The card "call Mom" was when she wasn't being understood at all and they were to call me immediately to try to translate her needs. Of course her favorite expression was the very last card!! The three words she could still say very clearly up to the end were "Mom", "Love" and "Sucks (meaning HD)".

Hopefully you can use these pictures to make cards for your loved one. Or you can cut out pictures from magazines or draw your own. For Kelly's food preferences, I had cut out pictures of her various favorite foods so she could "select" her choice by pointing to the picture or shaking her head yes or no when given the choices.