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Most of this information is available on the following websites. If you can help by looking up information for your State to be added here.......please do as I am not able to dedicate that much time tothis effort. If you click on the map, shown on your State's page, you will be taken information on that State, including it's homepage.
Specific State program information is being added (as time allows) to that State's page to make those pages as complete as possible. If you can't find it here, please look under your State's page. |
Provides a toll-free number to find community assistance for seniors, by county, city or zip code.
Locate quality child care and child care resources in your community. |
Locate your state's program for free or low-cost health insurance for children and teens. |
Search for U.S. colleges and universities, public schools or districts, public libraries, or private schools. |
Social Security Disability (Children) The U.S. Social Security Administration (SSA) offers social security benefits for eligible children. Disabled children who have limited income and resources, or who come from homes with limited income and resources, may be eligible to receive social security, or specifically, Supplemental Security Income (SSI). Children can qualify if they meet SSA's definition of disability and if their income and assets fall within eligibility limits.
State Sites for KidsVisit these fun sites to learn about the history, state symbols, government and much more in your state.
Clinical Trials |
Search for clinical trials by location, disease, treatment or sponsor.
Educational Laboratories by Region |
The Regional Educational Laboratories are educational research and development organizations supported by the U.S. Department of Education. |
Consumer Protection Offices |
City, county and state consumer protection offices mediate consumer complaints, investigate, prosecute offenders of consumer laws, license and regulate professionals, educate and advocate in the consumer interest. | |
Disability Resources |
Locate state and local resources serving children and youth with disabilities, and their families.
Prescription Drug Assistance Programs Information on Free Medications for Low-Income Families Some pharmaceutical companies offer medication assistance programs to low-income individuals and families.These programs typically require a doctors consent and proof of financial status. They may also require that you have either no health insurance, or no prescription drug benefit through your health insurance. Please contact the pharmaceutical company directly for specific eligibility requirements and application information.
Prescription Drug Assistance |
Search by zip code or state to find public and private programs that offer discounted or free medication and Medicare plans that include prescription coverage.
Doctor and Dentist Directories |
Link to directories of doctors, dentists, specialists, doctors who accept Medicare and more.
Mental Health Resources |
Click on a state to find mental health, protection and advocacy, family support facilities and services in your area.
Public Health Clinics |
Search for public health clinics by geographic area (zip code, city or state), by clinic name, by program type (e.g., black lung, community health center) or by service type (e.g., primary care, dental).
Substance Abuse Treatment Facilities |
Locate the drug and alcohol abuse treatment programs nearest you.
HIPPA is an interactive tool that helps answer questions about your rights and protections under the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act. HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act. Guides you to an answer by asking you questions about your health coverage and situation.
Insurance Regulators, by State |
Each state has its own laws and regulations for all types of insurance, including car, homeowner and health insurance. These offices can help you make informed insurance buying decisions
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Hospice Locator |
Search a state and county for a nearby hospice care center within the database provided by the National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization.
Long Term Care |
Find local housing and service choices for the elderly, including nursing care, assisted living, independent living, and community services.
Nursing Home Locator |
Search for and compare nursing homes in your area.
Birth, Marriage and Divorce Certificates |
Find out where to go for vital records, such as copies of birth, marriage, death and divorce certificates.
Motor Vehicle Offices, by State |
Need a new drivers license or title for your car? Locate the motor vehicle office that serves you.
Veterans Facilities Directory - Health, Benefits, National Cemeteries |
View a detailed, interactive and linked list to search all facilities within the Veterans Administration system.
State & Local Agencies & Offices, by Topic |
- Aging Agencies, by State
- Agriculture Departments, by State
- Art Agencies, by State or Region
- Banking Authorities, by State
- Charity Offices, by State
- Consumer Protection Offices, by State and Locality
- Disability Agencies, by State and Locality
- Drug Offices, by State
- Education Agencies, by State
- Education Technology Contacts, by State
- Election Offices, by State
- Emergency Management Agencies, by State
- Energy, Environment and Natural Resource Contacts, by State
- Health Agencies, by State
- Historic Preservation Offices, by State
- Housing and Community Development Agencies, by City
- Insurance Regulators, by State
- Labor Departments and Employment Services, by State
- Long Term Care Ombudsman, by State
- Public Safety and Police Departments, by State
- Securities Administrators, by State
- Social Service Agencies, by State
- State Courts
- State Legislatures and Legislators
- Surplus Property Agencies, by State
- Tax and Revenue Agencies, by State
- Tourism Offices, by State
- Transportation Departments, by State
- Utility Commissions, by State
- Vocational and Rehabilitation Agencies, by State
- Voting Websites, by State
| Physicians & Other Health Professionals |
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