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Alcohol and Other Drugs: Teens
Teenagers may be involved with alcohol and legal or illegal drugs in various ways. Experimentation with alcohol and drugs during adolescence is common. Unfortunately, teenagers often dont see the link between their actions today and the consequences tomorrow.
Anxious Child-If anxieties become severe and begin to interfere with the daily activities of childhood, such as separating from parents, attending school and making friends, parents should consider seeking the evaluation and advice of a child and adolescent psychiatrist.
Bullying is a common experience for many children and adolescents. Surveys indicate that as many as half of all children are bullied at some time during their school years, and at least 10% are bullied on a regular basis.Children who are bullied experience real suffering that can interfere with their social and emotional development, as well as their school performance. Some victims of bullying have even attempted suicide rather than continue to endure such harassment and punishment.
Child Abuse - The Hidden Bruises
The statistics on physical child abuse are alarming. It is estimated hundreds of thousands of children are physically abused each year by a parent or close relative. Thousands die. For those who survive, the emotional trauma remains long after the external bruises have healed.
Children of Alcoholics:One in five adult Americans lived with an alcoholic while growing up. Child and adolescent psychiatrists know these children are at greater risk for having emotional problems than children whose parents are not alcoholics. Alcoholism runs in families, and children of alcoholics are four times more likely than other children to become alcoholics. Most children of alcoholics have experienced some form of neglect or abuse.
Children of Parents With A Mental Illness -An inconsistent, unpredictable family environment also contributes to psychiatric illness in children. Mental illness of a parent can put stress on the marriage and affect the parenting abilities of the couple, which in turn can harm the child. Some protective or positive facts that can decrease the risk to children include: see site
Children Who Won't Pay Attention - Parents are distressed when they receive a note from school saying that their child "won't listen to the teacher" or "causes trouble in class." One possible reason for this kind of behavior is Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). Even though the child with ADHD often wants to be a good student, the impulsive behavior and difficulty paying attention in class frequently interferes and causes problems. Teachers, parents, and friends know that the child is "misbehaving" or "different" but they may not be able to tell exactly what is wrong.
Defining Diversity, Prejudice, and Respect
Diversity is all around you -- everyday. But are you prejudiced or respectful of people's differences? Read our article written just for you to find out about diversity, prejudice, and respect. This is a helpful guide to help children and young adults understand the diversities in someone with a disability too.
Genetics-Beemnet Neuroscience Links for Kids
Genetics- Gene CRC
Learn about genes and DNA, and try some fun gene games!
Genetics-Whose Genes? Tiki's Site for Genetic Engineering
Genetics-Health Windows Junior - Genetics
Health Sites For Children On The Internet
The sites listed here have been developed especially to attract children and teens to begin learning about their own bodies in preparation for taking responsibility for their own health and to assist them in dealing with illness and chronic problems.
Helping Teenagers Cope with Grief
Each year thousands of teenagers experience the death of someone they love. When a parent, sibling, friend or relative dies, teens feel the overwhelming loss of someone who helped shape their fragile self-identities. And these feelings about the death become a part of their lives forever. Some practical guides to help are shown in this article
What am I Chopped Liver? Communicating With Your Doctor
A free video for any children with a serious illness and their parents in the USA or Canada. This video shows you how to stay actively involved