Assistive Technology
The term 'assistive technology device' means any item, piece of equipment, or product system, whether acquired commercially off the shelf, modified, or customized, that is used to increase, maintain, or improve functional capabilities of a child or adult with a disability. The following links may be of benefit to you. |
States have an Assistive Technology program with centers located throughout the state. The programs are designed to help children and adults with disabilities across all aspects of their lives.
Assistive Technology-Glossary of Terms (PDF format) English/Spanish Glossary of Disability Terms. Any common terms found in disability laws, regulations, and services are included, along with related medical and treatment terms.
A. General Questions;
B. Funding and Systemic Questions;
C. Assistive Technology Training Questions;
D. Specific Disability-Related Questions;
E. Specific Technology Access Questions and
F. Web Access Questions
A growing number of technology-related options are now available. Unfortunately, ongoing misunderstanding(s)(myths) about assistive technology services and devices cause technology solutions to be overlooked or avoided in meeting your needs.
Assistive Technologies-Neurological - More specific to problems someone with a neurological Disease may have like computer access, switch products, things to help at home, etc.
Assistive Technology-Your Legal Rights -This document is divided into three sections, depending on who will use the assistive technology: A Child, An Adult or An Older Adult. Although written by the State of Iowa is applicable to any-one/anywhere. If you are rejected for services, they offer to help with you documentation, etc.
ATA Centers If you are interested in starting an Alliance for Technology Access Center in your community, please contact us for guidelines and an application. |
Tools for Better Living
From Florida Alliance For Assitive Services &Technology has a number of brochures available from the center detailing infor-
mation different topics wherein assistive technology may be of aid.These brochures describe various products with drawings and description onhow the products can help:
Independent living tips to assist with:
State Tech Act The Technology-Related Assistance for Individuals with Disabilities Act provides funding to states to assist them in developing easily accessible, consumer-responsive systems of access to assistive technology, technology services, and information. State programs vary widely. If you are unable to reach your state's project, call the RESNA Technical Assistance Project at (703) 524-6686, extension 313, for assistance.
Virtual World Congress & Exposition on Disabilities- The Virtual WCD provides a comprehensive forum that educates, informs, brings you the latest news and provides a useful exchange of ideas and products for persons with disabilities and special health care needs, as well as those involved in their care and development.
There are thousands of organizations focused on people with disabilities. The ones listed here represent some of the many organizations that have an interest in technology and can provide technology-related services, information, or referrals.
ATA website - Many ATA Centers currently maintain sites on the World Wide Web, and the number is increasing rapidly. Check the for the most current ATA Center Web addresses. |