

Movement Disorder Medicines
Anxiety-Antidepressant Medications
Antidepressant Adverse Effects
Warnings~Adolescents Under 25
Sertraline ~Zoloft
Haldol/Haloperidol - Clinical Medication Sheet
Haldol~Clinician Description
Haldol & HD
Haldol-Patient Experiences
Haldol~ Patient Handout
Anti-psychotic Medications
Prozac, Luvox, Paxil, Zoloft & Celexa
Olanzipine & Risperidone and blood tests
FDA's Adverse Drug Reactions (ADRs)
Cutting Prescriptions
Sites That Help the Medicine Go Down
Vitamins & Minerals
HD~Principles of Treatment
Why Certain Symptoms Occur In HD
Tests Commonly Used -Neuropsychological Examination
Symptom vs Medication
Speech & Swallowing Difficulties~Lynn Rhodes
Swallowing Problem Warning Signs
Swallowing Tests
Nutrition and HD~Anna Gaba (Recipes)
HD & Diet~HSA Fact Sheet 7
HD~Swallowing & Nutrition
Weight Gain
5 Levels Difficulty In Swallowing
Feeding Tube~Advanced Stages of HD
Feeding Tube~Jean Miller
One more word on feeding tubes
PEG Tubes and baby foods
Feeding Tubes-More Info
HD~Falling/Safety Issues
HD~Cognitive/Decision Making/Impulsivity
Cognitive-Short Tips
Denial of HD
HD~Irritability/Temper Outbursts
Managing behavioral problems
Depression - Treatment Resistant Patient
HD~Mania, Obsessive Disorders
HD~Hallucinations & Psychosis
HD~Rigidity, Spasticity, and Dystonia
HD~Insomia & Nightmares
Skin Sensations
Adaptive Products
Teen Suicide~Let's Talk Facts
Stress Explained-Easy/Fun Format
How To Help Someone Chronically Ill
Legal Planning for Incapacity
Out-of-Home Care Options FAQ
Preparing for Emergencies
HD-End of Life Issues

Chapter 5-Physician's Guide To Management of HD

Sexual Disorders

Many patients with HD become uninterested in sexual activity. Others may continue to enjoy healthy sexual activity well into the course of the illness. Occasional patients may desire and pursue excessive sexual activity or engage in inappropriate sexual behaviors, such as public masturbation, or voyeurism.

The spouse, usually the wife, may be distressed and fearful because the individual with HD may become aggressive if sexual demands are not met. Spouses may be afraid to talk about the problem unless interviewed alone.

Interventions are difficult in these circumstances, probably because of the patient's impaired judgement and the strength of the drive. Open communication about sex between the doctor and the family can help to destigmatize this sensitive topic. With open discussion among the parties, distressing sexual behaviors can sometimes be adapted into more acceptable acts.

Patients engaging in these behaviors should be assessed and treated for comorbid conditions, such as mania. We have found antiandrogenic therapy helpful in a few of these cases.


Antidepressant Induced Sexual Dysfunction
See Also  Erectile Dysfunction Causes

    See Medication Induced Sexual Dysfunction
    Tricyclic Antidepressants
    MAO inhibitors
    Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitor (SSRI)
        Fluvoxamine (Luvox)  (54% Incidence sexual dysfunction)
        Sertraline (Zoloft)  (56% Incidence sexual dysfunction)
        Paroxetine (Paxil)  (65% Incidence sexual dysfunction)

Management: Approach
    Observe for 4 to 6 weeks for adverse effects to subside
    Adjust current Antidepressant dosing
        Decrease Antidepressant dosage
        Alter timing of daily dose
        Consider 2 day drug holiday
            Sertraline (Zoloft)
            Paroxetine (Paxil)
            Not effective for Fluoxetine (Prozac)
    Consider adjunctive therapy (see below)
    Substitute another Antidepressant
        Minimal to no sexual dysfunction
            Nefazodone (Serzone)
            Bupropion (Wellbutrin)
            Mirtazapine (Remeron)
    Low risk of sexual dysfunction (10-15%)
        Fluvoxamine (Luvox)
        Citolopram (Celexa)
        Venlafexine (Effexor)

Management: Adjunctive therapy to improve sexual function
    Approach to specific sexual dysfunction problems
        Orgasm: all of the agents below
        Libido: Amantadine, Buspar, Periactin, Yohimbine
        Erection: Amantadine, Buspar, Periactin, Yohimbine
    As Needed dosing
        Amantadine 100 to 400 mg PO prn 2 days before coitus
        Bupropion 75-150 mg PO prn 1 to 2 hours before coitus
        Buspar 15-60 mg PO prn 1 to 2 hours before coitus
        Periactin 4-12 mg PO prn 1 to 2 hours before coitus
        Dexadrine 5-20 mg PO prn 1 to 2 hours before coitus
        Yohimbine 5.4-10.8 mg prn 1 to 2 hours before coitus
            Erectile dysfunction
    Daily Dosing
        Amantadine 75-100 mg PO bid to tid
        Bupropion 75 mg PO bid to tid
        Buspar 5-15 mg PO bid
        Dexadrine 2.5 to 5 mg bid to tid
        Pemoline 18.75 mg PO qd
            Pemoline Cylert (ADHD)
        Yohimbine 5.4 mg PO tid

This is just a long shot, but it appears like drugs containing benzodiazepines, Amphetamines (Ritalin), or barbiturates all have the tendency to affect the patient's inhibitions. There are more I haven't found yet.

Is it possible the JHD patients are on drugs for other HD symtpoms which may contain any of these?  Have their doctor's analyzed the drugs they ARE on to determine what, if anything, may cause social inhibitions?

The below descriptions came from the Effects of Drugs on the Nervous System from the Neuroscience for Kids website.

Effects of benzodiazepines on the Brain

Drugs, like Rohyuponol, can produce amnesia (memory loss) and muscle relaxation and  make people lower their inhibitions. An inhibition is when you feel like you can't do something. When inhibitions are lowered, people feel as  if an obstacle has been removed. Therefore, they can talk more freely and feel less shy.

The benzodiazepines influence behavior by interacting with receptors
on neurons in the brain that use the neurotransmitter called GABA. When
GABA binds to receptors, it usually inhibits a neuron and acts to reduce
neuronal activity. When benzodiazepines attach to GABA receptors, they
increase GABA binding to other receptors. In this way, benzodiazepines
enhance the effects of GABA and reduce brain activity

The fact that there are receptors for benzodiazepines in the brain
suggests that the brain makes its own type of benzodiazepine. The brain
has been found to make its own morphine, the endorphins, but the brain's
own benzodiazepine has not yet been discovered.

include drugs like dextroamphetamine, benzedrine, Ritalin and many other chemicals. Amphetamines were originally developed as a treatment for asthma, sleep disorders (narcolepsy) and hyperactivity.

Many of the effects of amphetamines are similar to cocaine. Addiction to
and withdrawal from amphetamines are both possible. Amphetamine use
also causes tolerance to its effects. This means that more and more
amphetamine must be used to get "high." Like cocaine withdrawal,
amphetamine withdrawal is characterized by severe depression and fatigue.

Users will go to extreme measures to avoid the "downer" that comes
 when the effect of amphetamines wears off.
-Feelings of happiness and power
There are many different types of barbiturates. The names of some
common ones (and brand names) include Pentobarbital (Nembutal),
Secobarbital (Seconal), Amobarbital (Amytal) and Phenobarbital (Luminal
); slang names for these barbiturates include yellow jackets, reds, blues, Amy's, and rainbows.

In low doses: barbiturates reduce anxiety; reduce respiration, reduce
blood pressure, reduce heart rate and reduce rapid eye movement
(REM)sleep. The barbiturate called pentobarbital is known as "truth serum."

In higher doses: barbiturates can actually increase some types of behavior
and act like a stimulant.
These effects may be caused by depressing
inhibitory brain circuits. In other words, barbiturates at these doses
act to remove inhibitory behavior.
Young People With Sexual Misconduct
I applaud you both for speaking so honestly and open to this list as it's only through sharing our experiences that we can learn and hopefully help our loved ones with HD.

Inappropriate sexual behavior is a known, but rarely discussed potential aspect of HD that can be devastating to families, hindering finding appropriate treatment or care for this problem.

The only reference I recall on this has been the PGHD (below) and most literature only addresses the adultwhere as the course of action for a  young personmight need to be handled a lot differently.

These are young people who have been robbed of any opportunity to have a "normal" sex life because of HD, but that doesn't  stop them from thinking of or wanting intimate relationships and it's natural, when
they see an attractive member of the opposite sex to vividly become acutely aware of those needs.

Kelly went through a period of what would be considered inappropriate sexual behavior, but hers was more on the line of the lack of self-esteem/HD, alcohol and drugs all mixed together where she made some poor choices in her life.

I don't have any experience to offer any suggestions but am hopeful that other's who do will open up their hearts and write about what helped them in resolving inappropriate sexual behavior problems in HD, in
particular with young adults.

Thank you, both, again for your bravery!