TO PREPARE FOR AND PREVENT HOME EMERGENCIES standard preparations plus special ones for people with
special needs. We were registered with our local fire station (about 1/2 mile away) that knew to contact us to evacuate Kelly
if there was an emergency in our area like a hurricane.
This also involves making advance plans with the place that you wish
to be taken to, for example with Kelly it was an assisted living/nursing home facility about 2 miles from our house.
We had all of the pertinent information on file with them. If you have hospice, this information SHOULD already be in
place. If not, ask them about it!
- Ask your local emergency management office or Red Cross chapter what
potential disasters you should be prepared for in your area.
- Ask how you would be warned if an emergency were to occur.
- Ask about special assistance for people with disabilities and see
if you can register with the fire department or emergency management office so they'll be aware of any special needs you have.
- Discuss emergency procedures with family members and, if you have
one, your personal care attendant.
- If you use a personal care attendant from an agency, ask the agency
how and where you can receive care in the event of an evacuation
- In case of power outage, know how to connect or start a back-up power
supply for essential medical equipment. (we had battery operated suctioning machine and oxygen tank)
- Wheelchair users should have more than one wheelchair-accessible
exit from the home in case the primary exit becomes blocked.