An HD convention awakens you to the possibilities: ....the joy....the happiness....the love.... the tears....and the friendship available from all those living with HD gathered together in one place, sharing their hearts and soul!!

17th Annual Huntington's Disease
May 31, 2002 through June 2, 2002
Hosted by the Ohio HDSA Chapter the 2002 HDSA convention will be held in Columbus, Ohio, USA
Hyatt Regency Columbus 350 North High Street Columbus, OH 43215 Phone: 614/463-1234 1-800/233-1234
The room rates for the convention are as follows (Amounts are in US currency):
1 adult - $112 2 adults - $115 3 adults - $125 4 adults - $135
There is limited availability on Monday, Tuesday, and Sunday nights. There are 15 ADA accessable rooms in this hotel, one per floor.
Online reservation code: After entering the arrival/departure dates and other appropriate info, there is a field asking for a group number. The code to use is "g-glen"
Cut off date for reservations at the Hyatt convention rate is May 6. Reservations may be made by calling the Hyatt directly at 614-463-1234 or on line (see above code).
OTHER HOTELS: Other Hotels in the area may have cheaper room rates. Some possibilities are listed on this website, courtesy of the Indiana HD chapter: http://www.hdsaindiana.org/event.html
The Hyatt is five blocks north of the State Capitol and the center of downtown at Nationwide Plaza. Just seven miles from the airport (Port Columbus), the hotel is accessible within a half-mile radius from I-70, I-71 and Routes 33 and 315. Neighbors of the Hyatt include Short North Arts District, Columbus Brewery District, Nationwide Arena and Goodale Park, providing entertainment and recreation opportunities. MapQuest Driving Directions click here |
HUNT-DISER'S: If you are looking to share a room at the hotel during the convention, please contact Sue Leck (sue_angels@YAHOO.COM) Sue is coordinating with travelers.
HDSA has changed the registration fee schedule by reducing the costs for families (two or more adults and adults with children) to attend. Based on figures from last year's Convention, about 45% of attendees were with a family. This number is expected to increase this year and HDSA wants to provide as much financial support as possible to families. The below full registration fees INCLUDE all convention events such as the Friday night social gathering and the Saturday Generation 2000 Dinner.
For Early Bird Registration * Sorry, Too Late! Postmarked by March 29, 2002 Individual $ 140 Family -per adult, 19+ years $ 110 per person Family - $110 per adult and $75 per child 18 & younger
Full Registration * Hurry and you can make this date! Postmarked between March 29 and May 17 2002): Individual $ 160 Family - per adult, 19 + years $130 per person Family - $130 per person and $75 per child 18 & younger
Late or On-site Registration *
After May 17, 2002 Individual $ 200 Family - per adult, 19+ years $150 per person Family - $150 per adult and $75 per child 18 & younger
Friday or Saturday Only - Individual $ 80
Does not include Generation 2000 Dinner
Generation 2000 Dinner Only: Per person $ 65
Payments: may be made on-line at the below link or by requesting a registration form by calling HDSA at 212-242-1968 or 1-800-345-4372.
Yesterday is but a dream, and tomorrow is only a vision,
but today well lived makes every yesterday
a dream of happiness and every tomorrow a vision of hope ~ Unknown | |