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The books shown are here only demonstrate the many books on Huntington's Disease available from Amazon.
You can click on a book's picture or title to read about it but if you want to order the book, please use the Place Order Here link in order for the HDSF to receive the credit for your purchase, i.e. do not order from the link describing the book!
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NOTE: Where the book has a "Look Inside" by it, click on cover of the book to read any excerpts.
(Paperback - July 2001) List Price: $16.00 |
by Carmen Leal-Pock;
Our Price: $15.95
The Facts -
by Oliver Quarrell;
Our Price: $19 |
(Oxford Monographs on
Medical Genetics, 45) by Gillian Bates (Editor), et al
List Price: $118.00
Cases and Ethical Guidance
for Presymptomatic Testing
in Genetic Diseases
(Medical Ethics) by Kimberly A. Quaid, et al
(Hardcover - October 1998) List Price: $29.95
(Hardcover) Special Order List Price: $93.00 | |
by James R. Sherman; Paperback
Humor will get you through caregiving!,
Excellent book to help you hold onto your
sanity while coping with caregiving. If you
are a caregiver, you don't need to be
depressed by another of the many serious
books that are so hard to get through and
make you cry. This one will make you smile when you need it most. Another really great book, filled with laughter of such a difficult subject is "Elder Rage."
List Price: $34.00
for the families and friends of
patients with the disease by David Lawrence Stevens Out of Print--Limited Availability |
of Families (Johns Hopkins Series
in Contemporary Medicine and
Public Health) by Susan E. Folstein Out of Print--Limited Availability |
The Comfort of Home:
The judges describe this exceptional care-
giving guide as "...Overall a beautifully designed book with very useful, practical information for caregivers...an attractive, well-put together package with dis-tinctive chapter headings, clear organization of material throughout, and imaginative use of typography/layout." Doody's Health Sciences Book Review Journal has awarded The Comfort of Home its highest rating (Five Stars). Doody's praises this caregiving home...well organized...written for the lay public...especially valuable with rich illus-
trations of caregiving and caregiving
aids...most helpful for families and others
who are choosing to become a primary
caregiver. | |
To Order:
Just click on this link and you'll be taken to an Amazon site that is set up especially for the Hunt-Dis Scholarship Fund
Please remember.....do NOT order from any of the links when you click on a book. Write down the item number then use above link to place your order!!
More Books of possible interest!
List Price: $15.00
List Price: $14.95
Our Price: $10.47
click on book |
by Woody Guthrie, Pete Seeger (Designer);
Paperback Price: $11.16
The Life and Songs of Woody Guthrie by Elizabeth Partridge;
Hardcover Our Price: $15.39
Our Price: $21.95
In this practical, sympathetic, and com-
prehensive guide, the experts at Today's Caregiver Magazine tell you how to be an effective, fearless and informed caregiver for your lovedone-and still have time for yourself. It arms you with all the knowledge and skills you need for deciding if your loved one's care is appropriate or if something more is needed, and, more importantly, the ability to do something about it.
List Price: $24.00
Our Price: $16.80
"The dying have alwaysbeen teachers of great lessons, for it's when we are pushed to the edge of life that we see most clearly." Its 14 thoughtful chapters lead readers
from the "Lesson of Authenticity" to the "Lesson of Happiness" by means of illustrative anecdotes from the lives of both authors' patients.
Tuesdays with Morrie: An Old Man, a Young Man, and Life's Greatest Lesson by Mitch Albom
List Price: $21.95
Our Price: $15.37
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