Lou Wilkinson HD Convention Scholarship Fund
HDSF Committee Positions


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2004 HDSA National Convention

HDSF Committee Positions
HDSF committee members volunteer their time and services each fiscal year as well as personally financing any material for the HDSF special project they are the spokesperson for, with the exception of the Hunt-Dis Person of The Year plaques.  This includes, but isn't limited to,  all paper, ink, printing, binding, mailing. etc. 
The 2003-2004 HDSF fiscal year the committee consists of the following positions:
Treasurer Dave Hodgson
The HDSF treasure maintains the HDSF bank account and is the only person responsible for reporting all changes to contributions or expenditures to the HD on line support lists and the HDSF "webmaster".  
Bank Co-Signer Jean Miller
Has access to the bank account information as an alternative or back-up to the HDSF Treasurer.
Secretary -  Michael Brown
The HDSF Secretary has responsibility for:
1.  Keeping all non-financial records for the 2003-2004 HDSF  fiscal year and providing copies of those records to their successor
2.  Is the primary focus for all HDSF Committee Actions or Votes made throughout the HDSF fiscal year.
3.  Record and publish any meeting notes  from non-electronic meetings.
HDSF Activity Spokesperson
(Unless named, position is TBD):
HDSF Scholarship Updates
This committee member is responsible for sending all notifications to the HD on line support groups when the application process begins announcing criteria, deadlines, etc..  They are responsible for responding to all inquiries about the HDSF application, receive applications, provide all communications with the applicants, distribute the applications received to other committee members, organizing and presenting a summary of the applicants to the committee, accept committee votes and making all reminders/announcements to the lists. 
Based on outcome of the annual winner, this committee member  is  responsible for notifying those who applied, coordinating effort with the treasurer or other volunteer(s) to see that the scholarship money is paid out, room and convention regis-trations are made, etc. as well as keeping on-line HD support groups up to date on the HDSF process and winners.
Convention Updates
This committee member is responsible  the promotion of the HDSA  national convention with all the  HD online support groups by providing information on the convention as it becomes available. 
This spokesperson will establish the list
of people who will be attending the convention, making an attendee arrival list updating the lists on information in general about the convention as it is learned.  Where possible, this person will be responsible for connecting convention goers looking to share hotel accommodations, rides, etc.
Girl's Night Out
Starting in January this committee member is responsible for sending out periodic promotions and updates on activities planned also providing information to the HDSF Webmaster  for inclusion of this information on  the HDSF website. They will maintain a list of attendees arriving on a Thursday night provided to them by the "Convention Notices" spokesperson.
The spokesperson for Girls Night Out event is responsible for putting together ideas for this event,  contacting people or organizations to plan activities, coordinating all activity both before and during the convention  and reporting those activities to all HD on line support lists.  This spokesperson will submit a  final report and pictures of the annual Girl's Night Out for inclusion in the HDSF website. This person is normally a female and has other committee members volunteers to help them as needed.
HDSF Committee Convention Schedule Commitments - TBD
This committee member is responsible for providing other HDSF committee members the HDSA convention agenda along with a list of coinciding schedules for committee members to volunteer to "man" the HDSF table at the convention Exhibit hall. 
This spokesperson will coordinate with the other committee members to determine that schedules for manning the table is fairly distributed throughout key times during the convention and publishing a schedule once everyone has committed their support.
Hunt-Dis Name Tags Sue Leck
This committee member is responsible for providing Hunt-Dis name tags for distribution to people from Hunt-Dis and other HD on line support groups to wear at Hunt-Dis events at the national convention.
Along with other committee member volunteers they will make sure everyone at the Hunt-Dis annual party has a name tag, is provided information on Hunt-Dis and the HDSF.
Hunt-Dis Memorial Quilt
- Jean Miller
This committee member is responsible for providing periodic communication to all the HD support on line groups, HDSA Chapters, HD Support Groups and Center of Excellence providing reminders and information on the availability of the loan of the HDMQ for HD fund raisers and events. 
This spokesperson establishes a fiscal schedule of where the quilt will be on loan, its location and answer all questions on the HDMQ or loan of the quilt.  They are responsible for coordinating shipping of the HDMQ between current holder of the quilt and the next scheduled activity. They provide instructions and material for the care of the HDMQ and its accompanying "books" while on loan and the donation jar that Hunt-Dis would like displayed.  
They are responsible for coordinating with the HDSA on displaying the HDMQ at its national convention, arrange for transportation to and from the convention.  Along with other HDSF committee volunteers, they help set up with HDMQ at the convention and have handouts ready providing information and instructions on the quilt.  This is a year round responsibility.
Hunt-Dis Person of The Year
This committee member is responsible for setting up the schedules to coincide with getting everything accomplished by March of each year.  This  includes reviewing the application process, making suggested changes to the committee and providing any final changes to the criteria to be included on the HDSF website. 
They are responsible for  announcements to all of the HD online support lists about nominating candidates,  providing information and background on the award.  They will accept the nominations submitted by people, start the voting process with established deadlines, send reminders, collect and tally the votes, and announce the winner. It is their responsibility to make  sure the Hunt-Dis Person of The Year plaque is returned in time, previous year winner,  to be engraved.  It is their responsibility to get the perpetual plaque engraved and purchasing the smaller keepsake plague.
This spokesperson will make the presentation of the award at the HDSA national convention (or designate an alternative).  This includes coordinating with Bill Marsh/HDSA in allowing time   on Friday night at the HDSA Conven-tion reception to present the award (is typically on the agenda but confirmation will be required). Finally,this spokesperson is responsible for  submitting  all  updates to the HDSF Webmaster for inclusion on the HDSF website.
Hunt-Dis Committee T-Shirts
This committee member is respons-ible for providing committee members attending the national convention with a  t-shirt promoting the HDSF activities for them to wear Thursday and Friday mornings.
Pie In The Face-Currently
This committee member is responsible for sending out periodic announcements on this activity to the HD on line support groups, including updates on votes received.  They are responsible for providing updates to the HDSF webmaster on this activity .
This spokesperson will organize the event at the HDSA national convention which includes buying the pies, coordinating with the hotel for approval to have this event or finding an alternative location to hold the event; is  the primary promoter of this event at the HDSA convention,  getting  volunteers take pictures of the event and to establish a "clean up" crew after the event.
After the event, this spokesperson will report the outcome of the event to all the HD on line support groups on who got the pies, total amount of donations received, etc. and providing the updates and pictures to the HDSF webmaster. This is an ongoing activity.
Split The Pot
This committee member is responsible for sending out periodic announcements to all HD on line support lists; is the designated person for donations to be mailed to and to send receipts to donors. 
This spokesperson arranges a time slot with HDSA for Hunt-Dis to draw the winning ticket at the convention and serves as  the primary "spokesperson" at the HDSA national convention for this event, including  selling tickets with the support of other volunteer committee members. 
This spokesperson will report the amount of donations collected and the winner after the convention to all the HD on line support groups and submit updates to the HDSF Webmaster  throughout this process.
Wall of Honor/HDSF Donations 
This is an on-going activity.  This committee member is responsible for  
sending out periodic announcements to all HD on line support lists and is the designated person for donations to be mailed to and to send receipts.   
This spokesperson is  responsible for making sure there is room at the HDSF table in the HDSA convention exhibit hall for this project (or alternative location) with HDSA, ensuring that  material is available at the convention.   
 This spokesperson will collect all Wall of Honor "messages" throughout the year and are the primary "spokesperson" for this item at the HDSF table at the convention, collecting all donations and reporting status to the other committee members and HD on line support groups.   They will issue a final report on the outcome of this activity for the current HDSF fiscal year and provide updates to the HDSF webmaster.
Webmaster   Jean Miller
This committee member is responsible for accepting changes from the "spokesperson" of an event or from the person selling an item on the HDSF website and making all changes to the HDSF website in a timely fashion.
The webmaster will notify all HD on line  support groups, HD Chapters, HD Support groups and CoE's  of any pertinent changes or updates to the website.  This is an on-going activity.