Congratulations To Our 2004 Scholarship Winners!
Winners this year are from the Hunt-Dis, the HD Caregivers, the NYA and the HDL On-line HD support groups! This year we had 5 applicants and $2,074.00 in the Fund. As you'll see, if you tally the below scholarships, the Fund has overspent the current 2004 funding by .29 cents which we hope will be made up soon! |
Bob Leck - Full scholarship winner - Bob is an NYA alumni from Oklahoma. He is active on both the NYA and the Hunt-Dis on-line support groups. Bob just learned he was HD positive shortly before attending his first convention in Ohio in 2002 and he is looking forward to receiving all of the support, love and understanding once again from his fellow NYA members again. Bob's scholarship, totaling $700.29 includes his registration to the HDSA convention, his hotel room for 3 nights, $150.00 per diem expenses for food, tips, and transportation and a one-way airline ticket back to Oklahoma [his Mom is driving him there].
Patricia Ann [Pam] Candlish - Partial Scholarship Winner - Pam is a member of the HDL message board. She is from Guelph Ontario, Canada and is really looking forward to attending her first HDSA national convention! Pam is HD positive. She lives with her husband and son, both who are disabled. Pam has done an outstanding job of creating awareness for all deaf children on her website " Information & Advocacy for People Interested in Hard of Hearing Children" http://www.hardofhearingchildren.com Pam is receiving $410.00 which includes her HDSA convention registration fee and $295.00 to go towards her expenses.
Stephanie Curnow - Partial scholarship winner - Stephanie is a member of the NYA on-line support group and is from New Jersey. Stephanie is HD positive, pre-symptomatic. However she doesn't let that stop her from dedicating her time and energy to raising awareness and donations to support HD research! She is a member of "The Girls Next Door" band. You can read all about this band here: http://www.geocities.com/steph31384/ Last November Stephanie and her band raised $3,000.00 for HD Research! This will be Stephanie 2nd HDSA national convention. Stephanie is receiving $375.00 which includes her HDSA convention registration fee and $275.00 to go towards her expenses. |
Charlotte Maher - Partial scholarship winner - Charlotte is a member of the HD Caregivers on-line support group and is from Connecticut. She has two children at-risk, ages 15 and 21. After having to place her HD husband in a nursing home this year, at age 49, Charlotte is looking forward to her children receiving support and understanding at the convention, as new NYA members as well as meeting some of the friends she has met on line. Charlotte is receiving $365.00 which includes her HDSA convention registration fee and the NYA registration fee for her two children. She will also receive $100.00 to go towards any other expenses. This will be Charlotte's first HDSA national convention.
Tara Bintliff - Partial Scholarship Winner - Tara is a member of both the NYA and Hunt-Dis on-line support groups. She is from Florida, moving from Toronto Ontario, Canada last year to get married. Tara is at risk for HD and is really looking forward to meeting all of her new friends she's met on line. Both her Mom and her Grandma have HD and she has one brother, at-risk. Tara is receiving $224.00 which includes her HDSA convention registration fee and $149.00 to go towards any other expenses. This will be Tara's first HDSA national convention.
The Fund Committee, along with this years scholarship winners, would like to Thank Everyone who has supported this important project by your generous contributions and the purchasing of the items on our website!!
Without your support to this Fund since 1999, deserving members from our On-Line Huntington's Disease support groups would not be able to receive the comradeship and lasting friendships they will find at an HDSA national convention!
Your 2003-2004 Louise Wilkinson Huntington's Disease Convention Scholarship Fund Committee Members: Mike Brown, Dave Hodgson, Sue Leck, Jean Miller, Marie Nemec, Gerleine Schoonover and Megan Younger | |