Huntington's Hero of The Year Award
If you learn from your suffering,
and really come to understand the lesson you were taught, you might be able to help someone else
who's now in the phase you may have just completed. Maybe that's what it's all about after all
~ Anonymous |
In 1999 members of Hunt-Dis initiated an annual award to be given at the HDSA annual convention to the person we, collectively as a group, felt had contributed the most to creating awareness, research, and/or fund raising in the past year. The award is universal and non-technical, i.e. it is not for doctors, researchers, etc who are already recognized by HDSA.
The HDSA has recognized the Hunt-Dis Hero of The Year Award, as one of acknowledging a special person to the WHOLE Huntington's Disease community, by allotting time for the award to be presented at the Friday night social gathering at the convention in front of all the attendees!
In 2003 the nomination of candidates for this award was opened up to all of the Huntington's Disease On-Line Support Groups. This year the name has been changed from the Hunt-Dis Hero of The Year" to the "Huntington's Hero of the Year" award.
This award has become a very special recognition and is a reflection on, and recognition of, all members of the Hunt-Dis and the other On-line HD support group family.
Criteria For Consideration of A Nominee for 2004
This award is for a person who has either:
(a) contributed the most to promoting HD awareness in their community or via media;
(b) who has successfully lead fund raising efforts for Huntington's Disease research or family services; or
(c) has devoted a significant amount of personal time and effort in assisting HD families or individuals by providing guidance, supportive information, websites, etc.
Criteria For Consideration of
A Nominee for 2004 continued
The nominee could have accomplished one or more of these things in the past year.
Nominees do NOT have to be a member of an On-Line HD Support Group. They can be a member of your support group, a HDSA Chapter or just anyone you are aware of who has contributed a lot of their time and energy in the past year supporting awareness to Huntington's Disease [per the above criteria].
2004 Nomination & Voting Process
Nominations - Deadline April 16th
The 2004 nomination process has begun!! Please see the 2004 Nomination & Voting Process page for instructions on how you can participate. If you have someone you would like honored with this award, please complete Nomination Form on this page.
Voting - Deadline April 30, 2004
Deadline for voting on the top 3 candidates is midnight CST, Friday April 30, 2004. Please see the 2004 Nomination & Voting Process page for instructions on how to vote.
The winner of this prestigious award will be announced Sunday, Sunday, May 2, 2004 and the award will be presented at the 2004 HDSA National Convention in St. Louis, Mo. June 10-13th.
The winner does not have to be present to accept the award.

2004 Winner Will Be????
1999 Barbara Boyle ~HDSA Washington, D.C. Convention The first Hunt-Dis Hero of The Year award was presented to Barbara Boyle, National Executive Director/CEO of the Huntington's Disease Society of America (HDSA), for her exemplary efforts in raising awareness and funding for Huntington's Disease throughout the United States.
2000 Marie Nemec
~HDSA Orlando, FL. Convention The 2000 Hunt-Dis Hero of The Year award was given to Marie Nemec for her commitment to the HD cause, which has never touched her family, in arranging and participating in bicycling for a CURE for HD in 1999 and 2000 cycling across the country. Marie has helped raise awareness about Huntington's Disease, as well as funds for research for a cure, in small towns all across America.. She is considered one of our most unselfish and dedicated HD Warriors working towards raising HD awareness.
2001 Jean Miller
~HDSA San Diego, CA. Convention
The 2001 Hunt-Dis Hero of The Year award was given to Jean Miller. Jean lovingly and bravely devoted her life to the care of her beautiful daughter, Kelly. After Kelly lost her battle with HD and went to join our angels, Jean turned her devotion to people living with HD. The Caregiver website she created is the best around, and her Cure HD greeting cards are yet one more tool that we have to spread awareness.
Jean is a champion for pHD's, caregivers, and those at risk. She is a driving force in creating awareness and understanding of Juvenile HD and started the Kelly E. Miller Juvenile HD award in memory of her daughter. She also serves as one of the adult advisors for the HDSA National Youth Alliance. The NYA is for young people who have HD, are at risk, or want to learn more about HD and help in creating awareness. |
2002 Lou Wilkinson
~HDSA Columbus, Ohio Convention
The 2002 Hunt-Dis Hero of The Year was awared to Lou , who has been a driving force in the Huntington's Disease Society of Canada with relentless support to all their fund raising efforts. Her participation has drawn media attention to HD. Lou has been interviewed twice telling her story about having HD and it's affect on her family. Lou and her family were the subject of a documentary down by the Canadian Broadcasting Company CBC International about Huntington's Disease.
Lou helped organize the HSC Recreation Group four years ago and still dedicates a great deal of time in effort in helping those with HD that attend their annual camp. For the past 4 years, Lou has been a Spokes-person for her HD Chapter, visiting families new to HD along with the Social Worker, offering support and encouragement that there IS life having HD. She has also been instrumental in establishing new HD support groups in smaller towns and is the Media Director for the Calgary HD Chapter.
Update: We lost our precious Lou on February 8, 2004 to complications of the flu.
2003 Sue Leck and Dave Hodgson
~HDSA Houston, TX. Convention
The 2003 Hunt-Dis Hero of The Year award had our first co-recipients of the award! Susie and Dave were recognized for their tireless efforts for raising funds through donations for the Louise Wilkinson Huntington's Disease Convention Scholarship Fund. This fund helps to send persons to the HDSA National Convention, who, for financial reasons, would otherwise be unable to attend.
Susie and Dave have been involved in the Scholarship Fund since its inception, working tirelessly year round to find new ways to develop HD awareness and create new financial ways to sustain the Fund. |