Kids-Young Adults


Please Read!
Talking With Children
Families & Coping With HD
What Young People Think~HD
HD & Me: A Guide For Young People
Do You Have A Sibling With HD?
SECTION 2 - Knowledge!
What Is Abuse?
What Are Signs of Abuse?
What Is Attention Deficit? (AD-HD)
Emotional~Helping Your Child
Alcoholic Parent? What You Should Know
How Do I Handle Anger?
What Is Anxiety?
How Do I Handle Bad Moods?
What Is A Bipolar Disorder?
How Does My Brain Work?
What Are My Brain Parts?
Brain Foods & Actions
What Is A Chronic Illness?
Handout: 25 Tips To Help Someone
What Is Depression?
Are You Depressed?
What Happens On A Physical Exam?
What Will Happen At A Hospital?
What Is A Drug/Drinking Problem?
How Can Drugs Harm Me?
What Are Epilepsy~Seizures?
Do My Feelings Matter?
All About Genes
Explain Hyperactivity To Me
What's It Like Living With JHD?
~JHD HDSA Project
What Is A Learning Disability?
How DO Medicines Work?
How Does Our Memory Work?
What Is Obsessive Compulsive?
What Is An Occupational Therapist?
What Senses Pain?
What Is Physical Therapy?
What Is Speech Therapy?
What Is A Psychologist? Psychiatrist?
Thinking About Running Away?
Why Do I Feel Sad?
Why Is Sleep Important?
Special Needs Kids-What's It Like?
Feeling Stressed Out?
Suicide~Helping A Friend
Does Talking To Parents Help?
What About Teens & Suicide?
What Is Seeing A Therapist Like?
Tell Me About Wheelchair Use
Tell Me About Dying
~ Grief
SECTION 3 - Links
HD Support Groups
HD Information
Medical Stuff
Good Stuff!
Fun Learning!
Got Talent?
Fun Stuff
Live Chat Room
Message Forum
Add A Link
Kelly E. Miller
Fun Quotes
How Do I Handle Bad Moods?

Return To INDEX

Anger hurts YOU!
Everything seemed to be getting on Minh's nerves this morning.  
At breakfast, her mother told her she looked nice. Minh didn't
respond because she didn't think she looked nice. Then her father
came into the kitchen and asked how his little girl was and gave
Minh a wink. Suddenly Minh lashed out at her father, saying she
wasn't a baby anymore and to stop treating her like one.
Rushing out of the kitchen, Minh grabbed her backpack and left,
slamming the front door behind her. Outside, she started crying.
She didn't know why she was so angry or why she was crying.
She felt this way often lately and wondered if something was
wrong with her.
In fact, Minh's feelings are common and normal for teens. 
Going from sadness to rage to joy in a matter of seconds can make
you feel as though you're losing your grip. Because of enormous
changes taking place in your life, you may feel like you're on an
emotional roller coaster.
Constant change can make you feel this way. You may have started
a new school and you don't get to see your old friends as much.
Maybe your circle of friends is changing and you don't want to hang 
out with your old friends anymore. You may be anxious about whether
you'll be popular. Getting good grades is a concern, and maybe you're
worried you won't have enough time to do everything. You have a
lot on your mind.
As teens near adulthood, they struggle with their sense of identity
and self-image. You identify more readily with your friends than your
parents, so being accepted by friends becomes extremely important.
You might realize that you're no longer a child and feel a sense of
freedom, but at the same time, you might be sad that your childhood
is over.
You may feel confused like Minh. Feeling confused is normal and one
of the most common feelings a teen can have. You feel confused for
a good reason: growing up is full of conflict - it's fun and exciting, but
scary, too. You want to be on your own and make your own decisions,
but it can be overwhelming at times. Part of the reason you're moody,
especially at home, is because you're caught between being a child
and being an adult. It takes a while to feel comfortable with that
Another cause for your mood swings is biology. When you begin to
sexually mature
  - usually between ages 8 and 13 for girls and between
    ages 10 and 15 for boys
 - your body starts producing sex hormones. You probably know
    that these hormones
 - estrogen and progesterone in girls and testosterone in guys
   cause physical changes in your body. But they also cause emotional
   changes - the ups and downs you sometimes feel you can't control.
If you understand that everyone is going through the kinds of mood
swings you're going through, they might be easier to handle.
Talking to people you can trust is important for you right now. Friends
can help each other by realizing that they're not alone in their feelings.
Talking to your parents is helpful, too. You might be fighting with them
more now, but remember, they went through exactly what you are
going through and can understand.
Your mother or father will appreciate it if you try to explain how you feel
instead of just slamming a door. A trusted teacher or counselor would
be a good person to confide in, too, and your doctor can help you sort
through questions about your development. Keeping your feelings inside
makes them seem much worse.
Here are some more suggestions on what you can do to feel better:
  • Create: start a journal or diary or start an art or music piece.
    Writing helps you organize and express your thoughts and
    feelings, and will make things more manageable. Don't worry
    about grammar, spelling, or punctuation; the important thing
    is just to get your thoughts on paper. Do the same thing with
    paint, sculpture, music, or other art forms - don't censor
    yourself; just put your feelings into your artwork.
  • Exercise: regular exercise produces more beta-endorphin, a
    hormone that controls stress and improves mood. Go for a run,
    play some tennis, ride your bike, or punch a punching bag.
  • Get enough sleep: although it's hard to find enough time, proper
    rest is really important. When you're tired, everything seems
    worse and it's much easier to feel bad and irritable.
  • Cry: there's nothing wrong with crying; in fact, it will probably
    make you feel better. However, if you find that you are sad most
    of the time, or if you just can't seem to shake a bout of the blues,
    you might be depressed and need help from a doctor.Stress can
    also be overwhelming. If you can't cope with your daily routine,
    tell an adult. But remember that some pain, confusion, and sadness
    are all part of life, especially when you're a teen.
KidsHealth is a project of The Nemours Foundation which is
dedicated to improving the health and spirit of children. Today, as part of its
continuing mission, the Foundation supports the operation of a number of renowned
children's health facilities throughout the nation, including the Alfred I. duPont
Hospital for Children in Wilmington, Delaware, and the Nemours Children's Clinics
throughout Florida. Visit The Nemours Foundation to find out more about them and
its health facilities for children