Kids-Young Adults


Please Read!
Talking With Children
Families & Coping With HD
What Young People Think~HD
HD & Me: A Guide For Young People
Do You Have A Sibling With HD?
SECTION 2 - Knowledge!
What Is Abuse?
What Are Signs of Abuse?
What Is Attention Deficit? (AD-HD)
Emotional~Helping Your Child
Alcoholic Parent? What You Should Know
How Do I Handle Anger?
What Is Anxiety?
How Do I Handle Bad Moods?
What Is A Bipolar Disorder?
How Does My Brain Work?
What Are My Brain Parts?
Brain Foods & Actions
What Is A Chronic Illness?
Handout: 25 Tips To Help Someone
What Is Depression?
Are You Depressed?
What Happens On A Physical Exam?
What Will Happen At A Hospital?
What Is A Drug/Drinking Problem?
How Can Drugs Harm Me?
What Are Epilepsy~Seizures?
Do My Feelings Matter?
All About Genes
Explain Hyperactivity To Me
What's It Like Living With JHD?
~JHD HDSA Project
What Is A Learning Disability?
How DO Medicines Work?
How Does Our Memory Work?
What Is Obsessive Compulsive?
What Is An Occupational Therapist?
What Senses Pain?
What Is Physical Therapy?
What Is Speech Therapy?
What Is A Psychologist? Psychiatrist?
Thinking About Running Away?
Why Do I Feel Sad?
Why Is Sleep Important?
Special Needs Kids-What's It Like?
Feeling Stressed Out?
Suicide~Helping A Friend
Does Talking To Parents Help?
What About Teens & Suicide?
What Is Seeing A Therapist Like?
Tell Me About Wheelchair Use
Tell Me About Dying
~ Grief
SECTION 3 - Links
HD Support Groups
HD Information
Medical Stuff
Good Stuff!
Fun Learning!
Got Talent?
Fun Stuff
Live Chat Room
Message Forum
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Kelly E. Miller
Fun Quotes
What Is Attention Deficit? (AD-HD)

Return To INDEX

                                          There is help for AD-HD, ask about it!
There was a rumor at school: Thomas, the wiry guy with the curly
hair, was, well . . . a freak. When he wasn't cooped up in his
garage fussing with all sorts of wires and gadgets, he was in the
principal's office trying to get himself out of trouble. Either he didn't
finish his homework, blurted out answers without waiting for his
turn, or got caught staring around the room at everybody else when
he should have had his eyes glued to the blackboard.

It turns out that Thomas is very bright. It just so happens that he
has AD/HD. This article explains more about this disorder, including
what it's like for teens who have AD/HD.

What Is AD/HD?

In medical mumbo jumbo, AD/HD stands for attention deficit hyperactivity
disorder. AD/HD is a condition that causes people to behave differently
than others. Someone with AD/HD may need help focusing on tasks
or subjects. AD/HD is a disorder that affects the brain. And that's why
AD/HD gets a bad rap sometimes. Because its symptoms involve behavior,
you can't tell that somebody has AD/HD just by looking at them.

Symptoms and Signs of AD/HD

Psychologists and other behavioral health specialists use the name AD/HD
to refer to a disorder that actually has three subtypes. These three
subtypes share similar characteristics, but are marked by certain symptoms
by definition. Doctors use a book called the DSM-IV to determine which
type of AD/HD someone has, depending upon his symptoms. This helps
doctors to figure out the best ways to treat a teen who has AD/HD.

The first type is marked by inattentiveness and includes signs such as:
  • inability to pay attention
  • difficulty following instructions
  • losing or forgetting things such as homework
This subtype used to be called attention deficit disorder, or ADD.

The second subtype involves hyperactivity and impulsivity (acting
spontaneously or on impulse) and includes signs such as:
  • fidgeting
  • feelings of restlessness
  • interrupting others
The third subtype, which is the most common, involves a combination
of signs from the other two forms. Teens who fall in this category may
or may not experience hyperactivity.

If you have AD/HD, you may not be aware that you are behaving a certain
way; you're just doing what comes naturally. But you might notice that it's
hard for you to pay attention. You might feel bored or frustrated in class.
AD/HD can affect social situations, too. For example, you might react to
someone by just saying what's on your mind - what comes naturally - and
then you may get the feeling that you've shocked or offended the person
without even realizing it. This has nothing to do with the person you are -
it's just a result of having AD/HD.

Some of the symptoms of AD/HD can be difficult to deal with and can make
a teen experience many different emotions. That's where education and
treatment come in - the more we understand about AD/HD, the more we can
improve its treatment methods and improve the lives of people who have the

What Causes AD/HD?

Doctors and researchers have examined a number of possible causes of AD/HD,
and no one cause has been identified. Research shows that AD/HD probably
has a genetic link and may be an inherited condition in some cases.

Teens who have AD/HD may also have other problems, such as depression,
anxiety, or learning disabilities like dyslexia. These problems are addressed by
a teen's medical team as part of his treatment plan.

How Is AD/HD Treated?

There are a number of methods available to treat AD/HD. The key is finding the
right treatment for each individual. Many doctors and scientists agree on
something called a multimodal (pronounced: mull-tee-moh-dull) approach.
Paul Robins, PhD, a psychologist in Wilmington, Delaware, says this approach
is a way of covering all the bases and often includes information, medication,
parent training, counseling, and changes made in classes at school designed
to suit a teen with AD/HD's particular style of learning.

The information part means learning about AD/HD: what it is, how it works,
and what can be done to treat it. Medicines such as Ritalin are often used
to lessen the impulsiveness and hyperactivity of AD/HD. For example, when
a person feels more focused, it will help him to pay attention and stay
organized, something people with AD/HD often have trouble with.

The parent training helps because it keeps parents informed and also shows
them ways they can work with their kids - both by supporting them and
acting as role models by demonstrating appropriate behaviors.

Changes that can be made in classes at school to help a teen who has AD/HD
include modifying his environment by having him sit in the front of the classroom.
Many teens also try certain strategies, such as keeping a homework notebook
in which they keep track of all their assignments, to help them stay organized.

With a treatment approach that includes so many aspects of a teen's life,
there is no doubt that a teen with AD/HD might feel overwhelmed, scared,
or even angry. That's where the counseling comes in. Talking about those
feelings and dealing with them often makes the process much easier.

A teen with AD/HD is likely to find himself among all sorts of company, including
parents, teachers, psychologists, psychiatrists, and the school nurse. According
to Dr. Robins, all these people are there to provide information and support and
as long as they are appropriately trained - meaning they have experience and
knowledge about treating AD/HD - the teen with AD/HD is in good hands.

If You or Someone You Know Has AD/HD

Even though AD/HD and its symptoms can be hard to understand, it's not a rare
condition. It's estimated that 3% to 5% of kids and teens have AD/HD - that
means if there are 200 kids in your grade, probably about 6 to 10 could have

People who have AD/HD often feel misunderstood or frustrated, so if you know
someone who has it, your sensitivity and understanding can really help.

It's important that a teen with AD/HD follows his doctor's instructions about
medication dosages. It's essential that he learns to develop behavioral strategies
and strategies for problem solving. And looking to doctors, counselors, parents,
friends, and teachers for support, understanding, and help in managing his
day-to-day activities can help a teen with AD/HD deal with this disorder.

If you have AD/HD, you may feel pretty misunderstood at times. It might seem
like you're always losing your homework or having trouble following your teachers'
instructions, or you may have trouble making friends or getting along with your
family members. It helps to learn as much as you can about yourself and AD/HD
and find the methods that will help you work to your full potential - both
academically and socially.

Each time we use a light bulb, it's a reminder that people with AD/HD are capable
of achieving great success. Yep, Thomas Edison - famed inventor and renowned
genius - had AD/HD, too.

KidsHealth is a project of The Nemours Foundation which is
dedicated to improving the health and spirit of children. Today, as part of its
continuing mission, the Foundation supports the operation of a number of renowned
children's health facilities throughout the nation, including the Alfred I. duPont
Hospital for Children in Wilmington, Delaware, and the Nemours Children's Clinics
throughout Florida. Visit The Nemours Foundation to find out more about them and
its health facilities for children 
AD/HD What Is It
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (AD/HD) is a common childhood
behavioral disorder, but it can be difficult to diagnose and even harder
to understand. What should you do if your child has AD/HD, and how can
you help your child deal with this disorder?  Signs and symptoms; What
Causes It; Coexistence With Other Disorders, Treating; What You Can
Children and Adults With Attention Deficit Disorder
CHADD is the national nonprofit organization representing children
and adults with AD/HD.
National Attention Deficit Disorder Association
This organization is built around the needs of adults and young
adults with attention deficit disorders.