Our Final Journey
Guides To Disability Issues
Tools For Viewing
Let's Talk About It
Section 1 - Assistive Technology
Section 2 - Divorce Issues
Section 3 - Drugs/Medications
Section 4 - Checklist, Documents, Forms
Section 5 - Employment Issues
Section 6 - Estate Planning
Advanced Directives & DNR's
Section 7 - Caregiver Resources
Patient Quality of Life: Should Doctors Guess It?
Incontinence Care
Section 8 - Children Seriously Ill
Children of The Chronically Ill
Siblings of Children with Special Health Needs
Guides To Disability Issues
End Stage Hospital & Home Care
Child With A Serious Illness
Individual Family Service Plan (IFSP)
Camps-Special Needs Children
Children's Wish Foundations
Section 9 - For Kids
Section 10 - Family Resources
Section 11 - Patient Resources
Section 12 - Financial Aids
Section 13 - Insurance
Long Term Care Insurance
Section 14 - Legal
Section 15 - Long Term Care
Section 16 - Symptom Support
Section 17 - End of Life
Section 18 - Funeral Planning
Section 19 - After Death Occurs
Hospice FAQS
Symptom Support
Behavoir Strategies
Ill Person's Feelings
Caregiving & Family Harmony
Caregiver Grief ~Article
End of Life
Comforting A Dying Person
End Stages of Life
When Someone Dies
Funeral Planning
Bereavement Fares and Discounts
Common Bonds of Caregiving
Tips For Helping Your Friend
About me
Free Greeting Cards
Estate Planning Definition
Living & Other Trusts
Wills & Beneficiaries
State Laws On Wills
Conservator~Guardianship Definitions
Insurance Issues
Avoiding Probate
Prescription Drug Program I
Prescription Drug Cards II
Disability & SSDI Insurance Questions
Long Term Care Insurance
Employment Issues
Divorce Issues
State Laws-Statutes
Making A Personal File
Emergency Info Form
Emergency Planning
Health Care Surrogate
Forms, Checklist
Family Resources
Patient Resources
Rehab Tools-Assistive Tech. Categories
State Map-Ombudsman Program
NH Your Rights-Fact Sheets
Nursing Homes and Your Rights - Factsheets for some seriously ill or their caregivers.
Long Term Care-Facts & Rights
State & Federal Resources
Drug Resources
Grief & Sorrow
When death nears - Signs and Symptoms
Some Facts About Artificial Nutrition and Hydration
Things To Consider-Artificial Nutrition and Hydration
Guides To Disability Issues
The following are some of the National Information Center for Children and Youth With Disabilities (NICHY) guides that might be of help to some.  All are in PDF format and where the guide is available in Spanish, I've included it.  These are all
excellent resources to help families plan for a child with a disability, help them in school, summer camps, etc.
About Public Agencies (GR4) - Learn more about 9 public agencies that provide assistance to people with disabilities and their families. 2002, 2 pages PDF format English~About Public Agencies or Spanish~About Public Agencies
Disability Awareness - (BIB13) Interested in disability awareness issues? Integrate a new student into your classroom, plan a special instructional unit, organize a Girl Scout information fair, write a school report on this important topic.   Anyone concerned with disability awareness will find this resource list a good starting point for identifying curricula, books, articles, videos, and other materials on the subject. 12 pages in PDF format
General Information about Disabilities (GR3) - Read the definitions of the 13 categories of disabilities under which a child with a disability may qualify for special education services under  the IDEA (Individuals with Disabilities Education Act). 2002, 4 pages. English or Spanish
Questions and Answers about IDEA (ND21) What are IDEA's requirements regarding evaluating and  educating children with disabilities? Core questions about the special education  process, as mandated by IDEA, are asked and answered, oftenwith quotes from the lawitself. 2000, 28 pages in PDF format English or Spanish 
Assessing Children for the Presence of a Disability - A Bibliography for Families (BIB2)  To be eligible for special education, a child must first be assessed to see if he or she has a disability.  These books and articles will  help families learn more about the assessment process. 4 pages PDF format
Your Child's Evaluation (BP1) - This publication describes the steps the school system will take  to evaluate your child to determine if he or she has a disability and is eligible for special education.  4 pages in PDF format English or Spanish
Education of Children & Youth with Special Needs:  What do the Laws Say? (ND15)  The educational and civil rights of children and youth with disabilities are governed  by many important federal laws. Three, in particular, are the focus of this News Digest: (1) P.L. 94-142, the Education of the Handicapped Act, now known as the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act; (2) Section 504; and (3) the Carl D. Perkins Vocational Education Act. Many others are briefly discussed as well. 1996, 16 pages in PDF format
Individualized Education Programs (IEPs) (LG2) - What does the IDEA require when a student's IEP is developed? This publication is a verbatim reprinting of (a) federal regulations about IEPs, and (b) Appendix A (formerly Appendix C) to the IDEA '97, which is a series of questionsand answers about federal regulations on the IEP. 1999, 32 pages in PDF format.
Student's Guide to the IEP (ST1B) - Students with disabilities can be important participants in developing their own IEPs! The audiotape in Set 1 features several students, all of whom have disabilities, talking about their experiences as active participants in the IEP process. The accompanying student booklet guides students through the process of learning how the IEP is developed, learning about
their own disability, listing their strengths and areas of need, identifying what accommodations they need in school, developing a list of goals and objectives for the year, talking with teachers and parents, and preparing for and participating in the IEP meeting. 2002, 12 pages in PDF format. Transcript of Audio Tape
Severe and/or Multiple Disabilities (FS10) The Severe and/or Multiple Disabilities Fact Sheet presents a  short overview of these disabilities-- characteristics, incidence,  and educational implications--and concludes with a list of  helpful books and organizations. 2 pages in PDF format.
Related Services (ND16) - Children with disabilities who are eligible for special education  may also receive related services according to their individual  needs. This may include such services as occupational and  physical therapy, speech-language pathology, transportation,  and special health care services. Learn more about the related  services listed in IDEA and the process by which students can  obtain them. 2001, 20 pages in PDF format English  or Spanish
Special Education - Letter Writing
Communicating Through Letter Writing- Special Education and Related Services - (PA9) This guide is rich in examples of
the letters you might write to your child's school across the years.  Ask for an evaluation, express concern about progress, request an IEP meeting, even praise the school's efforts! Learn more about what makes for an effective letter. October 2002  English  24 pages in PDF format or Spanish  20 pages in PDF format
After School
Options After High School for Youth with Disabilities (TS7)  This Transition Summary helps youth with disabilities, their families, and the professionals who work with them plan for the young person's transition to the adult world. An overview of adult service systems (e.g., Social Security Administration, Vocational Rehabilitation) is given.  Many employment options are also explored. 1991, Resources updated  1994, 28 pages in PDF format.
Technical Assistance Guide : Helping Students with Cognitive Disabilities Find and Keep a Job (TA3B)  This Technical Assistance Guide is designed to assist families, transition specialists, employers, and others in helping students with significant cognitive disabilities find and keep a job. 1999 20 pages in PDF format. Transcript of Audio Tape
Assistive Technologies
Assistive Technology: Becoming an Informed Consumer  - (ND13) Assistive technology refers to the special devices that are available to help individuals with disabilities in daily life -- electronic communication aids, a print enlarger on a computer screen, speech synthesizers, switches, to name a few.   This issue explores the subject of assistive technology through several articles, including: tips for consumers, a parent's perspective, legislation, effective use, and how to integrate technology into a student's IEP. 1989, Resources updated 1996, 20 pages in PDF format.
Children with Disabilities : Understanding Sibling Issues - (ND11)  Having a brother or sister with a disability can powerfully affect siblings. Find out how, often from the words of the siblings themselves, who write many of the articles in this News Digest. 1988, Resources updated 1994, 17 pages. TEXT VERSION ONLY
Questions Often Asked by Parents About Special Education Services (LG1) This publication explains in easy-to-read terms how students with disabilities access special education and related services. 1999, 12 pages in PDF format English or Spanish
Parenting a Child with Special Needs (ND20) When parents learn that their child has a disability, they  begin an unplanned journey. Starting with the article "You Are Not Alone," this News Digest is written expressly for parents to respond to their information needs and offer perspectives from other parents. Professionals who work with families will find it helpful in understanding more about how having a child with a disability can affect the family.  2003 English 16 pages in PDF format Spanish  24 pages in PDF Format
Vocational Assessment: A Guide for Parents and Professionals (TS6)  This issue of Transition Summary describes the importance of vocational assessment in the educational process of students with disabilities planning for the transition from school to work. Vocational assessment is defined, its purposes are explained, and the ways in which vocational assessment  can benefit teenagers with special needs are discussed. Types of assessments  are discussed as well, as are the roles that key professionals play in the assessment process. 1990, 16 pages.
Changing Schools/
Planning a Move, Mapping Your Strategy  (PA8) - So you're moving. You need a strategy! This publication will help you think about such concerns as: learning the new state's policies for special education and SSI benefits; making sure you have your child's medical records; finding parent and disability groups in your new location; and ensuring that your child's school records (particularly the
IFSP or IEP!) come along, too. We give you a checklist of the tasks that you'll want to complete before the moving van shows up. 1994, 12 pages in PDF format.
Behavoir Issues
Positive Behavioral Support: A Bibliography for Families (BIB4) For many students with disabilities, behavior is a real concern to parents and other family members.   These resources will help families understand  and positively address the behavior challenges associated with disabilities such as autism, attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (AD/HD), behavior disorders, emotional disturbance, learning disabilities, and mental retardation.  8 pages in PDF format.
Interventions for Chronic Behavior Problems (RB1) - This publication is meant to help schools answer the question,  "What does the research tell us?" about promising interventions  for students with a history of behavior problems. It's important to know that there is a tremendous body of research availableon this subject, covering a wide variety of students, situations, and settings. We also include a short overview that you can use and adapt to help your students and develop your own programs. 8 pages in PDF format.
Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (AD/HD)  - (FS19)  The ADHD fact sheet presents an overview of the disability--its characteristics and symptoms, how common it is, and educational implications. Tips are given to parents and teachers for addressing the special needs of a child with ADHD.  The fact sheet concludes with a list of helpful books and organizations. English-AD/HD 4 pages in PDF format or Spanish-AD/HD 4 pages in PDF format
Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (AD/HD) - Briefing Paper (FS14) This publication provides information about  the characteristics of AD/HD, how to help children at home and school,  and the legal responsibilities of schools to provide services to students with AD/HD.English-AD/HD 24 pages in PDF format or Spanish-AD/HD 16 pages in PDF format
Sexuality Education for Children & Youth with Disabilities (ND17) This News Digest addresses the concerns that parents
and professionals face in informing and guiding children and young adults with disabilities in their social-sexual development and in preparing them to make healthy, responsible decisions about adult relationships. Many books and videos available on human sexuality are listed, to assist parents and professionals in obtaining the detailed materials necessary to support the sexuality education of children with disabilities. 1992, 28 pages in PDF format
Estate Planning
Estate Planning (ND18) - Plan ahead for your child with a disability by writing a specialized will and trust that will protect your child's eligibility for government benefits and provide for his or her needs.   Also read about how to write a Letter of Intent, which will give future caregivers an in-depth understanding of your son or daughter with a disability. 1992, 20 pages in PDF format
Public Transportation
Travel Training for Youth with Disabilities (TS9)  - Knowing how to use public transportation is an important skill for many youth with disabilities. This Transition Summary looks at training people with disabilities to use public transportation safely and independently. It answers such questions as: What are the essential components of a successful travel training program? What specific skills do travelers need? What issues arise with specific disabilities such as physical, cognitive, or  visual impairments? 1996, 24 pages in PDF format.
Respite Care: A Gift of Time (ND12) Respite care provides families with specialized temporary child  care. In recent years, more and more respite services have  become available, many on a sliding-fee scale. This issue  discusses types of respite care available and gives tips and  advice to parents seeking such care. 1996, 8 pages in PDF format.
Summer Camps
Directory of Summer Camps (CAMPS1) - Plan for the summer using this listing of directories and Web sites about summer camps for children with disabilities. 2003-2004 2 pages in PDF format
Speech-Language Impairments (FS11) The Speech and Language Impairments Fact Sheet presents a short overview of this disability-its characteristics, incidence, and educational implications-and concludes with a list of helpful books and organizations. 2 pages in PDF format English  or Spanish