Our Final Journey


Tools For Viewing
Let's Talk About It
Section 1 - Assistive Technology
Section 2 - Divorce Issues
Section 3 - Drugs/Medications
Section 4 - Checklist, Documents, Forms
Section 5 - Employment Issues
Section 6 - Estate Planning
Advanced Directives & DNR's
Section 7 - Caregiver Resources
Patient Quality of Life: Should Doctors Guess It?
Incontinence Care
Section 8 - Children Seriously Ill
Children of The Chronically Ill
Siblings of Children with Special Health Needs
Guides To Disability Issues
End Stage Hospital & Home Care
Child With A Serious Illness
Individual Family Service Plan (IFSP)
Camps-Special Needs Children
Children's Wish Foundations
Section 9 - For Kids
Section 10 - Family Resources
Section 11 - Patient Resources
Section 12 - Financial Aids
Section 13 - Insurance
Long Term Care Insurance
Section 14 - Legal
Section 15 - Long Term Care
Section 16 - Symptom Support
Section 17 - End of Life
Section 18 - Funeral Planning
Section 19 - After Death Occurs
Hospice FAQS
Symptom Support
Behavoir Strategies
Ill Person's Feelings
Caregiving & Family Harmony
Caregiver Grief ~Article
End of Life
Comforting A Dying Person
End Stages of Life
When Someone Dies
Funeral Planning
Bereavement Fares and Discounts
Common Bonds of Caregiving
Tips For Helping Your Friend
About me
Free Greeting Cards
Estate Planning Definition
Living & Other Trusts
Wills & Beneficiaries
State Laws On Wills
Conservator~Guardianship Definitions
Insurance Issues
Avoiding Probate
Prescription Drug Program I
Prescription Drug Cards II
Disability & SSDI Insurance Questions
Long Term Care Insurance
Employment Issues
Divorce Issues
State Laws-Statutes
Making A Personal File
Emergency Info Form
Emergency Planning
Health Care Surrogate
Forms, Checklist
Family Resources
Patient Resources
Rehab Tools-Assistive Tech. Categories
State Map-Ombudsman Program
NH Your Rights-Fact Sheets
Nursing Homes and Your Rights - Factsheets for some seriously ill or their caregivers.
Long Term Care-Facts & Rights
State & Federal Resources
Drug Resources
Grief & Sorrow
When death nears - Signs and Symptoms
Some Facts About Artificial Nutrition and Hydration
Things To Consider-Artificial Nutrition and Hydration


Advanced Directives ~ Living Wills, Power of Attorney, ETc.
Microsoft Word - 10 Legal Myths Article.doc - Commission on Legal Problems of the Elderly addresses the 10 Legal Myths or misconceptions people have about Advance Directives.  Covers myths  such as "Everyone should  have a Living Will"   "Written Advance Directives Are Not Legal in Every State" etc.
Advance Care Directives Checklist in PDF Format  -Partnership In Caring's simply checklist you can print out to help you in completing your advance directives.
Partnership for Caring provides free, state-specific, advance directivedocuments and instructions that can be opened as PDF(Portable Document Format) files.
Growth House's Death With Dignity addresses issues in a durable power of attorney such as palliative nutrition and hydration, withdrawing life sustainting treatment, pallative care and spiritual.
Partnership In Caring provides information that you should know about appointing someone to care for you should you become unable to do so.
Being A Health Care Agent for another person - Partnership In Caring describes how, if you are appointed the Health Care Agents for another person, what your responsibilities and obligations will be.
Elements of Advance Care Planning - This is a document prepared by the Committee on Care at the End of Life by the Division of Health Care Services, Institute of Medicine published in1997.  The full report is available at the above website.  It addresses many issues families must consider (to view click on chapter):
Healthcare Directives FAQ's from Nolo.law - In this section, learn about these legal considerations by clicking on question. 
Almost everyone with property or an income can benefit from a durable power of attorney for finances. It's particularly important, however, to have a durable power of attorney if you fear that health problems may make it impossible for you to handle your financial matters.
Register Living Will & Durable PoA online  -The U.S. Living Will Registry is a privately funded organization that electronically stores advance directives and makes them available to hospitals across the country 24 hours a day through an automated telephone-computer-facsimile system.  Your advance directives -- living will, health care proxy, or both -- are made available to your family and doctors when you're too sick to communicate your wishes.  Because only hospitals have access to the documents and personal information, privacy and confidentiality are maintained. 
This section of Eldercare discusses the following:
-Living Wills
-Medical Power of Attorney
-Burial Plans
-Family History
-When They Have Dementia
This section of Partnership In Caring discusses the following:
1. Advance care planning
2. Talking about the issues
3. Talking with family and friends
4. Talking with your doctor
5. Preparing the right advance directive
6. Talking with your health care agent
7. Acting as a health care agent
8. Understanding life-support measures
9. Learning about pain management


Provided from Partnership In Caring. Click here: Download State Specific Documents.
directives, living wills etc  From Partnership In Caring, learn about information in your state:
The following forms have some cost to obtain:
State Specific Power of Attorney Forms -Children, Health Care, Living Wills, General/Property, Statutory, Limited,  Revocations, More  (heirship affidavits, divorces, separation agreements, small estates etc.) by State
From Adoption through Zoning! 
Durable Power of Attorney for Health Care Health Care Proxy , General Power of Attorney, Business and Litigation Forms etc
No Fault, Divorce Worksheets etc.

Email Webmaster ~ Jean E. Miller