From Seniors-Information on Social Security, VA and other death benefits you may
possible be eligible for.
From Beyond Indigo: It is important to remember that children deal with
death differently at different ages and that their reactions are not always obvious or immediate.
From Death & Dying - There are many places that need notification after a death
in the family. Notification of all these facilities ensure benefits arepaid to the survivors in a timely manner.
Veteran Benefits & Services from the Department of Veterans Affairs National
Cemetery Administration-information to assist you with information on VA's national cemeteries and other burial benefits,
such as headstones and markers, military funeral honors, obtaining military records, etc.
Vital Statistics
This information will be required to fill out the death certificate.
When Words Won't Come - Listening Skills by Joanie Overbeck - TLC Group, Dallas Texas For most people, initiating a
conversation with the bereaved is one of the scariest, most intimidating, most anxiety-producing tasks they could think of.
So scary that most people don't do it, or they do it so badly they swear they never will again. But, if you know how to begin,
how to listen and how to end, then usually all you have to do is open your heart and react naturally like you would in any
other conversation.
What To Do When Someone Has Died from Beyond Indigo click on topic to be taken to information:
From CNBC continued
What You Need To Know About Survivors Benefits from Beyond Indigo click on topic to be taken to information:
From Beyond Indigo: The legal responsibilities of next of kin/decisions
to be made.