From "On Our Own Terms" Moyers on Dying: Being patient and sympathetic;
Be aware of economic conerns; religion matters; life long conflicts' care in discussing limiting certain treatments; language
matters; listen to the illness; don't lump everyone together; don't go on appearances; be more self-aware
Activities for Dying And Their Loved Ones - How can family and friends mark the final months, weeks and days, and extract the
most they can from the time that remains with their dying loved one? Some people will just want to spend time together talking,
or simply being with the dying person. But some might find it helpful and rewarding to work on some of the following activities
Do Not
Resuscitate (DNR) NON-Hospital (PDR Format) - Why states are creating these forms/the new DNR laws pros and cons. A non hospital DNR order is an physician's
order that specifically refuses emergency CPR. This order would be recognized by EMT's outside of a hosptial or in a
long term care setting. It is meant only for those people whose illness or frality gives them little chance of surviving
and recovering from CPR
Dying At Home-What's Involved (a booklet) -Health Care Agents: Appointing One and Being One; You & Your Choices, Advance Medical Directives; Advance Directives
and End-of-Life Decisions Artificial Nutrition and Hydration and End-of-Life Decisions; Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation,
Do-Not-Resuscitate Orders, and End-of-Life Decisions.
Dying at Home-End of Life Tools Patient Tools: Guide
To First Steps; What Treatment Is Best for You? Taking A Spiritual Inventory; Self-Assessment of Your Beliefs About Death
and Dying. Community Tools: How To Share The Care; How To Be With A Dying Person; A Doctor's Guide To Diversity
Genetic counseling in primary care Q&A's - Physicians
Guide: To learn the role of genetic evaluations in patients with unexplained birth defects, developmental delays, mental retardation,
or dysmorphic features; identify the issues that are important to address when ascertaining family medical histories and discussing
concerns about them; understand the importance of open communication among the primary care physician, patient, and genetic
Coping with a serious illness, our own or a loved one's, causes a lot of anxiety
and confusion. This can be made worse by our health care system which is really not a system, but a mix of disconnected, and
sometimes dysfunctional, groups, plans, services, and professionals. How to find help and advice; What to do when things don't
go well; A guide to settings and services; How do I pay for these services?
Creating and End-of-life care plan/when to create from Partnership in Dying
Growth House, Inc. a plethora of resources on end of life care International gateway to resources for life-threatening illness and end of life care.
Our primary mission is to improve the quality of compassionate care for people who are dying through public education and
global professional collaboration.
Ideas for a Time When Someone You Love Is Dying - Someone you love is dying and it feels as if a part of you is dying too. It's not easy to think about what all this
means. What will life be like without them? What will happen to you in the future? What will become of your relation-ship?
Those are only some of your questions. You're probably also wondering about this period just ahead of you. What will you say
to that person? What will you talk about? What should you not talk about? How should you act? What can you do that will best
help them? And how can you best help yourself? The dying person will be as they've always been, only more so. The one who's
dying needs you to reach out. |
Living With Serious Illness- Handbook for Mortals - Living
with a serious illness can open up an unexpected variety of new possibilities. Things to do when time may be short; Am I "living
with" or "dying of"? How we die -- then and now; Planning for uncertainty; Talking with a sick person; Not particularly interested
in dying and Decisions to make, decisions to wait
Living with Dying-Reactions of a Dying Person -People are individuals,
and how they respond to a terminal illness depends on a number of factors, such as their age, sex, personality, ethnic background,
previous grief experiences and religious philosophy. The specific illness, relationship with family and the need or ability
to provide for them after death will also affect how one feels about dying. There is no single pattern of emotions that a
dying person will follow. However, there are common reactions to a terminal illness. Persons who are dying will usually
experience some of them. Reactions of the Family; Telling The Children; Coping; Alernatives to Hospitals
Organ Donor-Arranging Donations from Nolo Law - The principal method for donating organs is by indicating your intent to do so on a donor card. Once signed,
this card identifies you to medical personnel as a potential organ donor. Even if you have not signed a card or other document
indicating your intent to donate your organs, your next of kin can approve a donation at your death. And conversely, even
if you have indicated an intent to donate your organs, an objection by your next of kin will often defeat your intention;
medical personnel will usually not proceed in the face of an objection from relatives.
No one should have to suffer through an illness or die alone or in pain. Palliative,
or "comfort," care recognizes that death is a normal part of life and tries to prepare patients and families to meet it so
that we can all die on our own terms. Curative or life-prolonging treatments; relief of physical suffering; attention
to emotional needs; communication, etc.
To illuminate problems in making decisions about the care of the elderly the Office
of Technology Assessment (OTA) devised a classification system consisting of four categories of "physical status" and four
categories of "decisionmaking capacity." Most of these categories are not articulated in practice, but they influence a person's
ability to make treatment decisions for himself or herself and may also influence the decisions made by others on a person's
Planning Ahead: A Survival Strategy - An article: The death of a spouse is one of the most traumatic events most people ever have to face. The
necessary and inevitable grieving period immediately following such a loss is not the time to deal with difficult and often
irreversible financial decisions. However, unless those considerations have been mapped ahead of time, the surviving spouse
not only has to scramble to make funeral arrangements, but also must try and make sense out of insurance policies, pension
and social security benefits, mortgages, taxes, investments and many other financial issues.
Talking About End-of-Life Issues 1.
Advance care planning 2. Talking about the issues 3. Talking with family and friends 4. Talking with your doctor
5. Preparing the right advance directive 6. Talking with your health care agent 7. Acting as a health care agent
8. Understanding life-support measures 9. Learning about pain management
Ultimate Emotional Challenge An article discussing
Facing the Fact | Getting to Acceptance | What Are You Afraid Of? | How to Be With a Dying Person |