AS A STARTER.....Let's Talk About It - An excellent article
offering suggestions for helping you to initiate a discussion with your loved one on personal choices that need to be
Links to several excellent resources on finding the right assistive
technology to help extend a persons quality of life.
Unfortunately some families are faced with divorce issues in order to receive proper care for a loved one who is seriously
ill or the changes in the marriage caused by the illness drive one partner to seek a divorce. This section offers numerous
resources in divorce planning and requirements.
Information on antidepressants, controlling drugs plus links to websites
to look up medications and interactions with over the counter products and lots more!
Section 4 Documents, Forms, Checklists - Helpful
documents in Word format to download, Advance Directives, Health Care Agents, Legal considerations, Powers of Attorney, State
specific forms, Emergency information sheet, Emergency Planning [evacuation, fires, etc.], Letters to your physician, Making
A Personal File, Medication Information form, Questions to ask your doctor and more.
Americans with Disability Act, Discrimination, Family
Medical Leave, Flex Working Hours, Illegal Reasons for Firing, Losing or Leaving a Job, Genes & Pink Slips, Social Security
and more.
Avoiding Probate, Conservator-Guardianship definitions & FAQS, Estate
Planning; Getting Started, Important papers and resources, Living & Other Trusts, Wills and Beneficiaries, Children, State
Assessment worksheets, guidelines,
assisted living, nursing homes, respirt care, talking to children, handling crises, family harmony, grief, and more
Help for parents of a seriously ill child such as coping, improving end of life
care, respite, tips for teachers, nurses etc. and a link to information for kids to help young people understand emotions
of living with a loved one who is seriously ill. |
Information for the whole family on living and helping someone who is terminally
ill, activities, DNR's, getting help, planning, Medicare/Medicaid, pallative care, emotional challenges, tips for helping
a friend and some excellent chapters from the Handbook for Mortals.
Information, support and suggestions to help the person who is ill, such
as Bill of Rights for Terminally Ill, Creating Your Own Funeral & Memorial, Decisions, Depression and Emotional
Challenges, Important Conversations, and other related topics.
Information on calculating your net worth, credit reports & scoring, debit cards,
evaluation your cash flow, bankruptcy, financial planning, food stamps, home loans, reverse mortgages, helpful forms and more
Disability insurance, Home Care, Life insurance, Medical insurance, Medicare/Medicaid,
Prescription drug programs, other resouces and forms to help you plan.
Questions, answers and FAQs on long term care and other resources to help make decisions.
Hospice - an overview, checlists, FAQS, consumers guide to selecting a Hospice, the
family; what they can and cannot do, Medicare and Medicaid hospice benefits, when to choose a Hospice, Long Term Care facilities
such as ALF's, nursing homes, laws, mobility issues, medications, patient rights and more.
Information to help with behavioral issues, a questionnaire to help determine the levels
of anxiety, delusions/hallucinations, pain, quality of life, sleep, etc. and an article to help caregivers and others to understand
what the person who is ill is feeling and how you can help.
Artificial feedings , Ethical issues in hydration & nutrition, FAQ sheets, Helping
a friend, Swallowing problems, Final days, the dying experience, Hospice and pallative care, Funeral planning, Grief and Sorrow,
When someone dies, Bereavement fares and more
Guestbook, Information about the webmaster and her daughter, Kelly who had Huntington's
Disease, an inherited, degenerative brain disease with no known cure. |