Massachusetts HDSA Chapter
groups in the 5 New England states. Please contact their
office for additional referrals/see below
President: Janice Gedaminsky Email: Phone: 508-872-8102 Fax: 508-872-8103 Address: HDSA/MA
Executive Director : Kimberly D. Gleason Email: Address: 1253 Worcester Road, Suite 202 Framingham, MA 01701 Phone: 508-872-8102 Fax: 508-872-8103 Toll Free: 888-872-8102 Newpaper: Yes, but not on line Services: Support Groups (see below), Help Line &
Referrals, HD Camp (Fall), Volunteer Program,
Education, Outreach, Social Worker and a
Speaker's Bureau
Social Services
HDSA MA Chapter & Worcester Contact: Kenna Sullivan, LICSW Phone: 508-872-8102 x 12
Berkshire/Lenox Contact: Laura Page LICSW Phone:413-442-4951
Greater Boston Contact: Kathy Knoblauch, LICSW
Phone: 508-872-8102 x 32
Contact: Karen Percival, LSW
Phone: 888-872-8102 x 31
New Hampshire & Other: Contact: Virginia Goolkasian Email:
Phone: 800-770-0840 x 19
Rhode Island: Contact: Donna Freeman, LICSW
Phone: 888-872-8102 x 33
Providence/Vermont Contact: Contact: HDSA 888-872-8102
HDSA Center of Excellence Massachusetts General/Tewksbury Hospital VBK, Fuit Street Boston, MA, 2114
Services: Contact: Colleen Skeuse Email: Phone: (617) 726-5892 Fax (617) 726-5346
Social Worker: Kathy Knoblauch
Anne B. Young, M.D., Ph.D.
Edward D. Bird, M.D.
Jang Ho Cha, M.D.
Walter J. Koroshetz, M.D.
Jeffrey Macklis, M.D.
George Plotkin, M.D.
Lewis Sudarsky, M.D.
Richard H. Myers, Ph.D.
The Huntington's Disease (HD) Unit strives to treat a
variety of physical and psychological aspects of HD.
Patients with HD are evaluated, treatment plans are
designed and families and patients are counseled.
Services offered are:
-Counseling for Patients at risk
-Social workers to help patients and their families deal with a myriad of social issues.
-Patients with other movement disorders resembling HD are evaluated and treated when appropriate.
-Patients are referred to the Rehabilitation Clinic at the Middlesex County Hospital for special services
The Middlesex clinic is staffed by physicians from the Massachusetts General Hospital HD Unit.
MRI scans are scheduled at the Charlestown MGH facility and interpreted by a radiologist and the staff neurologists
RESEARCH Patients at the Huntington's Disease Unit participate on a purely voluntary basis in a variety of important research activities. The ultimate goal of the research is to develop an effective clinical trial of medication to determine whether HD can be prevented, cured, or ameliorated. See website for current clinical trials
To Schedule an Appointment:
Massachusetts General Hospital
Contact: Diane Greenwell
Phone: (617) 726-5532
Brigham and Women's Hospital
Contact: Lisa
Phone: (617) 732-5771
Genetic Testing Facility
Boston University School of Medicine Neurogenetics Laboratory Department of Neurology Boston, MA 02118 Contact: Judy Sinsheimer Phone: 617-726-2603 Fax: Program Director: Dr. Richard H. Myers
Nursing Homes - HD Experienced
Laurel Lake Center 620 Laurel St. Lee, MA 01238 Contact: Jim Pollard Email: jjpollard@MEDIAONE.NET Phone: 413-243-2010
Sunbridge Care &
Rehabilitation for Lowell 19 Varnum Street Lowell, Ma. 01850 Contact: Virginia Goolkasian Email: Phone: 800-770-0840 x 19
State Long-Term Care Ombudman
Massachusetts State Long-Term Care Ombudsman Executive Office of Elder Affairs 1 Ashburton Place, 5th Floor Boston, MA 02108-1518 Phone: (617) 727-7750 Fax: (617) 727-9368
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1st Annual HDSA Swim
Where: Nantasket Beach Time TBA Contact: Cari
Phone: 508-872-8102 x 44 Details: Open to adults and children (age 12 and up). The swim will include two timed heats: one for the casual swimmer and one for the competitive swimmer. Prizes awared to the best time in each category. Additional prizes to be announced.
Registration: $100 Registration fee.
Deadline: July 10th. August 3rd, 2002
Fourth Annual Summer Saturday for Families Location: The Guthrie Center Housatonic, Massachusetts Time: 10:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Contact: Jim Pollard Phone: 413-243-2010 Sponsor: The Guthrie Center & Laurel Lake Center for Health & Rehabilitation. Meet Internet Pioneers Storm King, Rob Laycock, Rennette Davis, Jean Miller, Carmen Leal, John Lester, Steve Ireland and Dr. Marsha Miller.
September 21st, 2002 2nd Annual Walking for a Cure:
One Step at A Time/The Kevin Ganley Walk Where: SunBridge Care & Rehab for Lowell
Varnum Street in Lowell MA Phone: HDSA Office at 508-872-8102
A leisurely 1.5 or 3 mile walk around the neighborhood at SunBridge Care and Rehab for Lowell. Join the residents, staff, friends and neighbors for this annual walk.
September 21st, 2002 Walking for a Cure: One Step at A Time Where: Artesani Park Contact: HDSA Office at 508-872-8102
Support Group Meetings
Please contact the group leader prior to attending your first group meeting.
Our Southern New Hampshire Group will begin in April and meet in Concord, NH. Specific location TBA in March.
Our Mid-State Vermont Group will begin in May to coincide with HD Month. It will be held in Burlington VT and is being created in conjunction with Fletcher Allen Health Care.
All visitors to this site are encouraged to contact the Mass. HDSA office for additional referrals in MA, ME, NH, RI & VT. For the most updated support group information our website is (see above).
Greater Boston - PHD Group
People With Huntington's Disease When: 2nd Wednesday of the month
Time: 10:30a-12:30p Where: Boston Medical Center, Boston Contact: Kenna Sullivan Email: Phone: 508-872-8102 x 12
Greater Boston - Caregiver Group
When: 2nd Wednesday of the month
Time: 7 - 8:30pm Where: Tewksbury Hospital -Tewksbury Contact: Kathy Knoblauch, LICSW Email: Phone: 508-872-8102 x 32
Greater Boston -
Early Stage PHD Group
When: 3rd Thursday of the month
Time: 7 - 8:30pm
Where: Cambridge (call for address) Contact: Kathy Knoblauch, LICSW Email: Phone: 508-872-8102 x 32
Berkshire/Lenox Family Group
When: 3rd Thursday of the month
Time: 6 - 7:30pm Where: Berkshire Medical Center, Pittsfield Contact: Laura Page, LICSW Email: Phone: 413-442-4951
When: 1st Thursday of the month
Time: 6:30 - 8p Where: Coyne Nursing Home Rockland MA . Contact: David Banks, MA Email: Phone: 781-771-7401
When: 3rd Wednesday of the month
Time: 6 - 7:30pm Where: Baystate, Springfield Contact: Amy Fowler, PsyD Email: Phone: 508-872-8102 x 34
Worcester Area Family Group
When: 3rd Wednesday of the month
Time: 7 - 8:30pm Where: UMASS Medical Center -Worcester Contact: Kenna Sullivan, LICSW Email: Phone: 508-872-8102 x 12
Other- Lowell Support Group
When: One Saturday each month - dates TBA Sponsor: Sunbridge Care & Rehabilitation for Lowell Where: 19 Varnum Street Lowell, Ma. 01850 Contact: Virginia Goolkasian Email: Phone: 800-770-0840 x 19 |