President: Vickie Jackson Email: None listed Address: The Rotunda 711 West 40th Street, Suite 354, Baltimore, MD 21211 Phone: (410) 467-5388 Fax: (410) 467-4143 Website: Non listed Newsletter: "The Maryland Beacon"
Support Groups: See Next Column
HDSA Center of Excellence Johns Hopkins Hospital Meyer 2-181 600 North Wolfe Street Baltimore, MD, 21287 Center Director: Dr. Rosenblatt Phone: (410) 955-2398 Fax: (410) 955-8233
Center Hours: Open on the first and third Wednesday of every month. No One will be turned away from the Center for financial reasons. Contact: Debbie Pollard Email:
Social Worker - Kit McFarlane Email: cmcfarla@JHMI.EDU
Genetic Testing Facility
Johns Hopkins School of Medicine Meyer, Room 218 600 North Wolfe Street Baltimore, MD 21287-7218 Contact: Candace Young, RN Phone: (410) 955-2619 Fax: (410) 955-0504
Physicians-HD Experienced
Need your input Name Address City Phone Fax Email Office Hours Contact: Speciality: |
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Special Notices
2002 Maryland Governor Signs End of Life Bills
Neither bill is on their website now, but check back! A copy of the amended "Bill of Rights" will be distributed to all newpatients who enter the Maryland health care system.For more information on the new laws visit the Maryland StateLegislatures Web site and enter the appropriate bill number at:
When: 2nd Wednesday of each month (call first)
Time: 7:00 PM Where: Almost Family 660 Kenilworth Drive, Suite 103 Towson, MD Contact: Kit McFarlane
Phone: 410-955-2497 Participants: For everyone concerned about HD: individuals, family and friends
Need your input on experienced care facilities
State Long Term Care Ombudsman Program
Maryland State Long Term Care Ombudsman Office On Aging State Office Building, Room 1007 301 West Preston Street Baltimore, MD 21201 Phone: (410) 767-1074 FAX: (410) 333-7943 |