President: Nanette Ward
Address: 1045 Lincoln Street, Suite 100 Denver, CO. 80203-2734 Email: None listed Phone: (303) 321-5503 Fax: (303) 837-8983
Social Worker/CNI Contact: Carrie Bowerman Email: Phone: (303)-321-5503 Fax: (303) 837-8983 Messages are checked Monday - Friday In an emergency please call your Doctor.
HDSA Center of Excellence The Colorado Neurological Institute Swedish Medical Plaza II 701 East Hampden Avenue, Suite 530 Englewood, Colorado 80110 Phone: (303) 788-4600 Fax: (303) 788-8854
Phone: (303) 788-4600
Social Worker/ Family Services Coordinator Contact: Danica Delgado, MSW Email: Phone: (720) 371-5806
Dr. Christopher O'Brien Trained under Dr. Ira Schoulsen one of the leading neurologists who specializes in HD
Dr. Lauren Seeberger Trained under Dr. Allen Rubin with a specialty in movement disorders. Dr. Seeberger is the Director of the HDSA Center of Excellence.
University of Colorado 4200 East Ninth Avenue, Box 183 Denver, CO 80262 Dr. Maureen Leehey
Phone: (303) 315-7517
Genetic Testing Centers:
Kaiser Permanente Department of Perinatology/Genetics 2045 Franklin Street Denver, CO 80205 Contact: Carol Haverkamp, RN Phone: (303) 861-3538 Fax: (Services for Kaiser members only)
University of Colorado HD Testing Program 4200 East Ninth Avenue, Box 183 Denver, CO 80262 Contact: Christi Markey, Genetic Counselor Phone: (303) 315-3601 Fax: (303) 315-7583
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Special Notices
Support Group Meetings
When: 4th Wednesday of each Month
Time: 7pm to 9pm Location: HDSA Rocky Mountain Chapter 3444 S Emerson Street Englewood, CO
When: Quarterly HDSA Rocky Mountain Chapter Southern Colorado Group Location: varies Contact: Carrie Bowerman, LCSW Email: Phone: (303)-321-5503
Northern Colorado (Ft. Collins)
When: varies, call for details
Where: Adriel Hills Clubhouse County Road 11 and Mountain Vista Drive Ft. Collins, CO Contact: Regina Clifford Email: Phone: (303) 321-5503
Western Slope (Grand Junction)
When: Last Tuesday of every month (except December) Time: 6:30 p.m.- 8:00 p.m Where: United Methodist Church 522 White Ave. Grand Junction, CO Contact: Diane Dawson Email: Phone: (303) 321-5503
Nursing Homes/HD Experienced
need your input
State Long Term Care Ombudsman Program
Colorado State Long-Term Ombudsman The Legal Center 455 Sherman Street, Suite 130 Denver, CO 80203 Phone: (303) 722-0300 FAX: (303) 722-0720