President: Pam Averman Email: Phone: (888) 779-HDSA Fax: (703) 832-8123 Alt. Tel.: 724-833-8160 Address: PO Box 4102 Pittsburgh, PA 15202
Newsletter: Stepping Stones OnLine Support Forum For Question on HD:
Toll Free Hotline: 1-888-779-4372
Mission: Toll free helpline answered by Social Worker. Other services include In-Service trainings for Nursing Homes
Social Worker: Peggy Polito, MSW Email:
Family Services: Betsy Gettig, MS, CGC Email:
Caregiver & Support Groups: Len Stinebaugh
Family Advocacy: Ken Shepard Etzel, RN
University of Pittsburgh Institute for Neurological Disorders
810 Kaufmann Medical Building
Pittsburgh, PA
Contact: Elizabeth Gettig
Clinic Co-Director
Phone: 412/624-3018
Hours: 1 - 4 p.m.
Days: 2nd Wednesday of each month
Services: diagnosis; medication for movement disorders;
cognitive and psychiatric evaluation and treatment; physical,
occupational and speech therapy; caregiver and social services,
nutritional counseling and clinical trials to HD patients.
Affiliated with the Huntington's Study Group
Genetic Testing
Allegheny General Hospital Department of Medical Genetics 11th Floor, South Tower 320 East North Avenue Pittsburgh, PA 15212 Contact: Melissa Bourdius, MS Phone: (412) 359-6388 or (800) 520-6433 Fax: (412) 359-6488
VA Medical Center 7180 Highland Drive Pittsburgh, PA 15206-1297 Contact: Carol Schramke, PhD, Clinical Psychologist Phone: (412) 365-5195 or (412) 365-5335 Fax:
Allegheny Hospital (psychiatry) 1427 Vine Street Mail Stop 950 Philadelphia, PA 19102-1192 Contact: Melissa Bourdius, MS Phone: (800) 520-6433 Fax: (412) 359-6388
University of Pennsylvania Medical Center Clinical Research Building, Room 452A 415 Curie Blvd. Philadelphia, PA 19104-6145 Contact: Lynn Godmilow, MSW Phone: (215) 573-9161 or (800) 669-2172 Fax: (215) 573-7760
Center for Neurobehavioral Health
Regency Executive Offices 2173 Embassy Drive Suite 366 Lancaster, PA 17603
Contact: Dr. Bob Stein
Psychologist in private practice Phone: (717) 392-6061 Fax: (717) 431-2014
Business Hours: 8:30 - 5:00, Monday - Friday With occasional evening and Saturday appointments
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Special Notices
Separate support groups held for persons with HD,
persons At-Risk for HD, and Caregivers
Meetings held in Greensburg and in Beaver, call for details
Western PA
Family and Friends Meeting When: 1st Thursday each month
Time: 7-9 PM Where: Civic Building 200 Ross Street Downtown Pittsburgh Contact: Peggy Polito, MSW Email: Phone: 1-888-779-4372
Participants: All interested in HD, Caregivers, Persons At-Risk, Persons with HD
When: 4th Wednesday each month
Time: 7-8:30 pm Where: Behavioral Science dining room Robert Packer Hospital
Address: Sayre, PA. Contact: toll free 1-888-4GUTHRIE (1-888-448-8474)
Participants: A support group for patients and families of
patients who have have a neurologic disease that causea
a long-term disability.
Nursing Homes
HD Experienced
Need your input
State Long-Term Care Ombudsman
PennsylvaniaState Long-Term Care Ombudsman Department of Aging 555 Walnut Street, 5th Floor P.O. Box 1089 Harrisburg, PA 17101 Phone: (717) 783-7247 FAX: (717) 783-3382 |