President: Barry Kahn Email: Phone: (630) 443-9876 Address: PO Box 8383 Rolling Meadows, Il. 60008
InService Nursing Home Training
Contact: Clarence Wiese at Chapter
Physicians-HD Experienced
Kathleen M. Shannon, M.D. Email: kshannon@rpslmc.eduDept. of Neurological Sciences Rush-Presbyterian-St. Lukes's Medical Center 1725 W. Harrison St. Suite 755 Chicago, Il. 60612-3824 Phone: 312-563-2030 Office: 312-942-4500
Office Hours:
Dr. Shannon is a neurologist who specializes in Huntington's Disease.
Dr. Steve Clingerman, Ph.D.
Email: Coordinator of Neuropsychology Service Cook County Hospital Fantus Clinic, Dept. of Psychiatry 621 S. Winchester Chicago, Il 60612-9985 Phone: 312-633-8632
Office Hours: M-F 8 am - 4PM
Dr. Clingerman is the Chairperson of Family Services for the Illinois HDSA board
Dr. Un Jung Kang
Parkinson's Disease and Movement Disorder Clinic
University of Chicago Hospitals
Office Hours:
Clinic Phone: 773-703-6222.
Dr. Kang Office: 773-702-6389
Genetic Testing Facilities
These center use the HDSA official protocol for genetic testing of HD.
Carle Clinic Medical Genetics/AMS 5 605 West University Avenue Urbana, Ill 61801 Contact: Judy Miller, MS, CGC Phone: (217) 383-5084 Fax: (217) 383-4681
Rush Presbyterian/ St. Luke's Medical Center 1653 West Congress Parkway Chicago, IL 60612 Contact: Dr. Kathleen Shannon Phone: (312) 942-4500 Fax: (312) 942-2380
Advocate Medical Group Lutheran General Perinatal Center Parkside Center 1875 Dempster Street, Suite 340 Park Ridge, IL 60068 Contact: Scott Polzin, MS, CGC Phone: (847) 723-7705 Fax: (847) 723-2290
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Special Notices
The Chapter would like to establish support groups throughout the Metropolitan area. If you are interested in hosting a support group in your area, please call the chapter office.
For more information on any of the below meetings, please contact the Chapter Office (630)443-9876
12 p.m. Cook County Hospital
Participants: Family members, medical professionals Call Chapter for dates
Call chapter for times and dates
Call chapter for times and dates
3rd Thursday of the month Northlake Lutheran Church 112 N. Wolf Road
Participants: Any family members, caregivers, professionals with an interest Call Chapter for time
Call Chapter for dates 2 PM to 4 PM St. Francis Hospital, 7th. Floor Board room 530 NE Glen Oak
Peoria, Ill
Participants: family members, caregivers, professionals with an interest in HD
Varies-Call for Information 2-4 PM on Sundays Blessing Hospital Conf Room G 1400 Broadway Quincy IL Participants: Family members, caregivers, professionals with an interest Contact: IL Chapter at 630-443-9876
Call Chapter for dates 2:00 P.M. to 4 P.M St. Anthony's Hosp., First Floor Auditorium 5666 E. State
Participants: family members, caregivers, professionals with an interest
State Long Term Care Ombudsman Program
Illinois State Long-Term Care Ombudsman ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT ON AGING 421 East Capitol Avenue Suite 100 Springfield, IL 62701-1789 Phone: (217) 785-3143 FAX: (217) 524-4477 |