Central Ohio HDSA Chapter
Services: Family support through meetings, social workes and medical professionals
Social Worker:
Columbus: Contact: Barb Heiman Email: Phone: 614-292-9960
Mt. Vernon: Contact: Amy Lewis LSW Email: Phone: (740) 397-4125 Toll free 866-877-HDSA
Center of Excellence
Genetic Testing Facilities
Huntington's Clinic 1581 Dodd Drive McCampbell Hall, Suite 371 Columbus, OH 43210 Contact: Denise McCoy Phone: (614) 688-3675 Fax:
HD Experienced
Need your input Name Address City Phone Fax Email Office Hours Contact: Speciality:
Nursing Homes-HD Experienced
Need your input
State Long-Term Care Ombudsman
Ohio State Long-Term Care Ombudsman Department of Aging 50 West Broad Street - 9th Floor Columbus, OH 43215-5928 Phone: (614) 644-7922 FAX: (614) 466-5741 |
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Special Notices
Support Group Meetings
Columbus & Toledo detailed info/maps http://www.hdsacentralohio.org/hds3.htm
Teen Support Group Meeting When: Call Barb to confirm date & time Time: Where: Atonement Lutheran Church 1621 Francisco Blvd. Columbus Contact: Barb Heiman, LISW Email: gheiman@juno.com Phone: 614-292-9960 Participants: Youth ages 10 to 18
When: 2nd Thursday of Month
Time: 7:00 - 8:30 pm Where: Atonement Lutheran Church 1621 Francisco Road
Participants: meet as one group then
split up into three groups
When: 3rd Sunday of Month
Time: 2:00 - 4:00 pm Where: Our Saviour Lutheran Church 2820 W. Alexis Road
Toledo, OH 43613 Contact: Alma Mueller Email: Phone: (419) 893-0174
Participants: Anyone with an interest
or who is affected by the HD
On Hold - Last Wednesday of month
Time: 7:00 P.M. Where: Country Court Nursing Home 1076 Coshocton Ave Mt.Vernon, OH Contact: Amy Lewis LSW Email: Phone: (740) 397-4125
Participants: Anyone with an interest
or who is affected by HD