It's not possible that their improvement in two weeks was related to brain cells maturing and integrating with the brain. We will not know how well fetal transplant works until at least a year after the transplants have been done.
It'll take at least six months for the cells to mature, make any
connections, and then there will be kind of a progressive change.
The analogy with Parkinson's Disease, where as I said we're much further along with transplantation, is that the improvements with Parkinson's Disease don't occur until six months. Then they start off gradually and very gradually accumulate over time.
The more you understand about this the more critical you can be of the science that gets to the Internet and the media. Realize that the people who do this kind of research want to help the patients; that's why they're doing it in the first place. But sometimes the desire to help can cloud scientific objectivity.
So when you read this literature about miraculous treatments occurring and causing effects within two weeks, just be careful consumers. Understand that there's good science which suggests that can't be from a transplantation effect. It must be something else. Who knows what.
Dr. Shannon then read the HSG Position Statement on Experimental
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