Huntington's Disease Support Information

New Hampshire

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New Hampshire
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New Hampshire
Served by Massachusetts HDSA Chapter.
HD Experienced
Need your input

Nursing Homes

Need your input on experienced facilities.

State Long Term Care Ombudsman

New Hampshire State Long-Term Care Ombudsman
Division of Elderly & Adult Services
129 Pleasant Street
Concord, NH 03301-3857
Phone:  (603) 271-4375
FAX:      (603) 271-4771

Care Services Of Northern Carroll County
When a clients required treatment is covered by Medicare, Medicaid or private insurance, the fee is paid by that party. If insurance coverage is not available, then fees are adjusted according to the clients ability to pay. For more information about our fees, please call our office (603) 356-7006

Home Health and Hospice Care of Nashua
Home Health & Hospice Care is a non-profit Visiting Nurses Association serving patients of all ages in southern New Hampshire and northern Massachusetts.
Home Health & Hospice Care
22 Prospect Street
Nashua NH 03060
call us at  1-800-887-5973
Vice President of Clinical Services
Jane Allen, RN, MS, MPH
Payment Options -To the greatest extent possible, our services are available to all who need care, regardless of ability to pay.  For those who have limited incomes or unusual financial circumstances, a sliding scale is applied to service fees.  We receive funding from local, state, and federal grants.  We are also assisted by private donations, memorials, the work of our fund-raising committee, the support of the Good Cheer Society, and the United Way of Greater Nashua. Every client's needs and financial circumstances are unique.  Our specialists will work with you to determine how best to handle all challenges -- physical, emotion, and financial.
Institute on Disabilitiy
Family Support Partnerships Project-Family Support Partnerships is a statewide initiative to enhance and expand New Hampshire's Family Support System to more fully meet the needs of older families who are caring for their adult children with disabilities living at home. For more information contact Patty Cotton
-NH's Assistive Technology Partnership increase access to assistive technology through the creation and support of consumer driven systems for the provision of state-of-the-art assistive technology products and services for citizens with disabilities in the state of New Hampshire.
New Hampshire Family Voices - Looking for information about your child's special health care needs, disability? Want to talk to another parent whose been there, done that? Maybe one who's still doing it? New Hampshire Family Voices is run by parents having children with special health care needs, multiple disabilities and mental health conditions.
Crotched Mountain  Greenfield, NH provides programs and services to assist children and adults with disabilities to achieve optimal growth and independence.  Crotched Mountain offers a full range of clinical and rehabilitation services for children and adults with disabilities.  Financial Information: Crotched Mountain accepts most major medical plans, Medicare, and Medicaid. Local school districts and private payment arrangements may also be arranged. The admissions office makes every effort to assist students and families with the process of admission and is extremely flexible in maintaining an orderly flow of information among the student, family, referent, and Admissions Committee.
Contacts for Children's Programs-Childrens Specialty Hospital, Developmental Pediatrics, Foster Grandparent Program, Outpatient Services, Respite Services, School Partnership Program, Wonderworks Learning Center.
Contacts for Adult Programs-Brain Injury Center, Community Care, Community Partnership, Driver Evaluation & Training, Independent Living Apart-ments, Outpatient Services
Family Resource Center - at Crotched Mountain is available to all families, professionals, and community members who are seeking information regarding various disabilities and chronic health topics.  In addition, the Family Resource Center offers a warm, welcoming, environment in which families can receive support and assistance both from Crotched Mountain staff and other families who have shared similar experiences.
-Dysphasia Functional assessment of swallowing disorders and the development of feeding programs.
-Physical Therapy Assessment, treatment, and consultations for individuals with physical or developmental disabilities. Services are provided in the areas of gross motor skills, mobility training, general strengthening, relaxation/pain management, and orthopedic rehabilitation.
-Community-Based Respite Services -Based on the belief that quality respite services promote healthy families, Crotched Mountain Rehabilitation Center is in the process of developing respite services for families living throughout the state who are caring for children with complex medical needs and/or behavioral issues.  Keene, NH.  Offered two nights each month.The program staff includes a registered or licensed practical nurse and activities staff. A small fee of $5 per night per child will offer games, movies, story-telling, arts and crafts to be shared by children and their parents.
-Speech-Language Pathology -Assessment, consultation, and direct services to enhance receptive and expressive communication skills. Services include: speech therapy, creation of Augmentative/Alternative Communication (AAC) systems, computer access evaluations, and inservice training.
-Wheelchair Seating & Mobility -A regional assessment center, improving the quality of life for persons using wheelchairs by increasing comfort and mobility.
-Repair & Maintenance Services -offering repair, maintenance, and custom manufacture of related mobility devices and assistive technology.
Psychology -Evaluations and consultations for individuals with disabilities and their families.
Special Notices
Support Group Meetings
New Hampshire
Southern New Hampshire Group
When:       3rd Wednesday of the month
Time:         7 -8:30pm
Where:     Catholic Medical Center
                   Manchester NH
Contact:   Virginia Goolkasian, LSW, MS
Phone:       800-770-0840 x 19

State Resources
New Hampshire Homepage
Cities & Towns in New Hampshire
A process to think about, talk about and plan for end-of-life care New Hampshire Advance Directives: Durable Power of Attorney for Health Care and Living Will

The N.H. Prescription Guide offers physicians a list of the most commonly prescribed generic and brand-name drugs preferred by health plans in New Hampshire;
New Hampshire Medication Bridge
Those who cannot find help in the list above
can ask their providers for help with prescrip-tion assistance or have their providers contact Medication Bridge (603) 225-0900. 
If you are a parent seeking health coverage information for your child, call NH Healthy Kids toll-free phone number
1-877-4NHCHIP or (1-877- 464 - 2447) or visit their  website at:
Other Support Group
Parent Support Group for Families who have Children with Special Needs and/or Chronic Health Conditions
Brain Injury Support Groups
LAWS-New Hampshire
Office of Comm. Mental Health Services 
Within OCMHS there are four focus areas: Children's Services, Older Adult Services, Emergency Services, and Peer and Family Support Services.
-NH Community Mental Health Centers - Office of Community and Mental Health Services - This is a list of the 10 Community Mental Health Centers in NH.
-Peer Support Programs List - Office of Community Mental Health Services - This is a list of Peer Support Programs in NH.
is a private non-profit mental health center serving New Hampshire. We serve all of Belknap County and the southern portion of Grafton County.
Other New Hampshire Resources:
125 Airport Road
Concord, NH 03301
phone (603) 225-0900 
fax (603) 225-4346
The Foundation launched the New Hampshire Partnership for End-of-Life Care a group of organizations that helps people to plan for their health care, talk about their choices and have them respected.