North Carolina Medicaid Coverage Groups page lists a brief explanation of each type of program and its benefitsManaged care
options for Medicaid recipients are available in all 100 counties. Options include Carolina ACCESS (which includes
ACCESS II and III) and Risk Contracting with state licensed HMOs.
Care management is a coordinated care
function that incorporates case finding,
assessment, care planning, negotiation, care
plan implementation, monitoring, and advocacy to assist clients and their families with complex needs in obtaining appropriate
services. Most counties in North Carolina have at least one agency that can help manage the care of frail older adults
living in the community.
locate services on a county-by-county basis,
including care management services and other
services that are supported with funding under the Home and Community Care Block Grant.
North Carolina Health Choice for Children
(NCHC) A program for low-income working
families who cannot afford health insurance
help meet the needs
of families with
premature infants
or children with
developmental disabilities, behavioral
disorders, or chronic illness, as well as the professionals who
serve these families
The project's activities impact children and
adults with disabilities across all aspects of
their lives - education, employment, recreation
and independent living. Children and adults
with disabilities are involved in all aspects of
Are located in the following cities:
Charlotte, Raleigh, Winston-Salem,
Sylva, and Greenville. These centers
display a variety of assistive technology
devices for demonstration and "hands-on"
activities. Each center is open to groups
or individuals by appointment
The Technology Exchange Post - NC classifieds for used assistive technology equipment wanted to buy or sell, maintained by Partnership
in Assistive Technology
Misc. State Support
United Way-Search By Zip Code will provide you with information on the United
Way in your area. If they have a website, they usually have a section called "How Do I Get Help?" Click on it
and look for their "Quick Guide" (To Human Services) help in your area. You can print it out. Most guides are in
PDF format and are a great resources to have on your refrigerator!