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Nursing Homes
HD Experienced
Need your input
Wyoming tate Long-Term Care
Wyoming Senior Citizens, Inc. 756 Gilchrist P.O. Box 94 Wheatland,
WY 82201 Phone: (307) 322-5553 Fax: (307) 322-3283
State Resources
Wyoming Home Page - the state-specific information below was obtained from the pages on this site.
Adult Abuse-Individuals age eighteen and older who have been subjected to a persistent pattern of physical,
sexual or emotional maltreatment by their caretakers, spouses, partners, or other family members or who have been sexually
assaulted by a family member, acquaintance or stranger either as adults or as children.
Child Abuse- Trauma to a child by a parent, guardian, or other family or extended family member or anyone
else who is in a position of power over the child. The abuse may consist of abandonment, neglect or emotional, physical or
sexual abuse.
Counseling, Domestic Abuse- Emotional support and problem-solving assistance to help abused persons or abusers achieve
and maintain the skills to cope with their problems in order to reduce the incidence of domestic abuse.
Protection & Advocacy Pgms -Programs that provide investigation and intervention services to ensure the safety
and well-being of individuals who are vulnerable to abuse, neglect and/or exploitation.
Rape Services -Services for people who have experienced sexual assault as an unwilling, non-consenting
victim, adult or child.
Sexual Abuse/Assault - Resources for individuals who have been raped or otherwise sexually assaulted.
Shelter, Women - Emergency shelter for women who have been subjected to domestic abuse. May include the
Shelter, Youth/Kids - Emergency shelter for children who have been subjected to child abuse or domestic abuse.
Adult Day Care
Adult Day Care Providers-Personal care for dependent adults in a supervised, protected setting during
some portion of a 24-hour day. Services may include social, recreational, and developmental activities.
Adult Day Care, $-Programs that provide funding strategies, financial assistance or offer services on a sliding
scale to ensure that low-income and indigent individuals and families have access to essential adult day care services.
Board & Care Facilities-Programs which provide meals, house keeping or laundry services, supervision of self
administration of medications and a safe and sanitary living environment. Do NOT provide nursing services.
ALF/Nursing Homes
Assisted Living Facility-Housing in a group setting for senior citizens, persons with disabilities, or other populations
in apartment style buildings, communal homes, condominiums, etc. Residents are provided non-medical support which allows an
independent, non-institutionalized lifestyle.
There are three
State run institutions:
Assisted living facilities
The Wyoming Pioneer Home located in Thermopolis is an assisted living facility founded as a Home for the care and maintenance of senior residents
of Wyoming who are challenged in the aging process. 141 Pioneer Home Drive,Thermopolis, WY 82443-2451, Phone: 307-864-3151
Nursing Home
The Wyoming Retirement Center is a Medicare, Medicaid, and Veterans' Administration certified long term, convalescent, and respite care facility established
to meet the needs of Wyoming's elderly and disabled citizens. Located at 890 HWY 20 South, Basin, WY 82410 Phone: 307-568-2431
Skilled Nursing Facility -Health care facilities that provides intensive nursing services as well as supportive
services for people who require continuous inpatient care but who are not in an acute phase of the illness or condition.
Respite Caregiver-The Family Caregiver Respite Program
serves the caregiver population in a 50 mile radius around Riverton, Casper and Cheyenne who is responsible for a functionally
dependent older adult. Respite care for family of elderly, chronically ill or hospice patients, light housekeeping,
assist with personal care and nutrition, individualized training to families and more. The recipient is someone who is unable
to perform at least two activities of daily living or due to cognitive or other mental impairment, requires substantial supervision.
Assisitve Technologies
Adaptive Aids Provider-Providers (retail, loan and trial) of equipment and other devices specially
designed for people with various impairments. This may include aids for mobility, hearing, sight, exercise, entertainment,
Advocacy, Assistive Technology-Interceding on behalf of individuals
and/or groups to ensure that they receive the benefits and services to which they are entitled, or seeking to influence legislation
in order to benefit specific interest groups or achieve specific goals.
Augmentative Communication- systems including gesture systems, communication boards, computer-based systems
and other aids which have digitized or synthesized speech output that can be used by individuals who do not have fully functional
speech even after correction.
Assistive Tech., Evaluation-Programs that assess the current ability to function of people who have disabilities
and prescribe or recommend the most appropriate assistive technology product to meet their individual needs including communication/learning
aids, control and signaling aids, daily living aids, hearing augmentation aids, mobility aids, prosthetic/orthotic/seating
devices, recreational aids, speech aids and/or visual/reading aids.
Assistive Tech., $-Programs that provide funding strategies, financial assistance or offer services
on a sliding scale to ensure that low-income and indigent individuals and families have access to essential assistive technology.
Assistive Tech., Information-Programs that provide information and referrals about adaptive equipment
and other aids, include devices to aid mobility, hearing, sight, exercise, recreation, etc.
Assistive Tech., Repairs-Maintenance and repair services for individuals whose cognitive/learning aids,
control and signaling aids, daily living aids, hearing augmentation aids, mobility aids, prosthetic/orthotic/
seating devices, recreational aids, speech aids, visual/reading aids or
other assistive aids are broken and who cannot afford to pay to have them fixed.
Independent Living Svcs, $ Programs that provide funding strategies, financial assistance or offer services on a sliding
scale to ensure that low-income and indigent individuals and families have access to independent living services.
Independent Living Svcs -Programs that offer a wide variety of independent living services for severely disabled individuals with the objective
of helping them to function more independently in family and community settings and to secure and maintain appropriate employment.
Includes programs that assist people who have disabilities to learn the basic skills of daily living through counseling, instruction,
experience and practice; or through the use of assistive devices
Lifts (Wheelchair), Provider - Lifts, transfer boards and other devices which help people who have physical disabilities
move into and out of their vehicles, wheelchairs and other mobility systems.
Medical Supplies/Equipt., $ - Programs that provide funding strategies, financial assistance or offer services
on a sliding scale to ensure that low-income and indigent individuals and families have access to essential medical supplies
and equipment.
Medical Supplies/Equipt. - Programs that provide necessary medication, sickroom equipment, medical bandages,
respiratory aids and other medical supplies that are required by people who are convalescing following surgery or illness.
Equipment-A lending library of therapeutic equipment has been established at the
Wyoming State Training School in Lander in the memory of Anna Maria Weston. If you have need to borrow or have items that
you wish to donate please contact the Center at 1-800-294-1888 or e-mail:
Speech Aid Providers - Equipment or other products which enhance the ability of people who are nonvocal or have
speech impairments to communicate.
Wheelchair Services - Special chairs with large wheels, some of which are power driven, that are used to transport
patients or to provide increased mobility for people who are partially paralyzed or otherwise unable to walk. Also included
are other types of personal wheeled transportation such as the Amigo (tm).
Case Managment/HELP
Case Management -Programs that develop case plans for the evaluation, treatment and/or care of individuals
who, because of age, illness, disability or other difficulties, are unable to arrange for services on their own behalf; which
assess the individual's needs; coordinate the delivery of needed services; ensure that services are obtained in accordance
with the case plan; and follow up and monitor progress to ensure that services are having an impact on the problem.
Adult Home and Community-Based Waiver Program (307) 777-7115. Services are provided to keep developmental disabled adults
in Wyoming communities. Vocational and residential services are also provided to individuals with milder challenges.
Brain Injury Services-Services for people who have any of a variety of conditions that are characterized by significant
destruction of brain tissue and resultant loss of brain function which include Alzheimer's disease, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's
disease, stroke and other cerebrovascular accidents, traumatic brain injury, post infection damage, brain tumors and permanent
damage that occurs as a result of seizures, substance toxicity or other disorders.
Brain Injury Assc. of Wyoming-Statewide information and referral is available on brain injury issues such as therapy services,
rehabilitation, educational materials, financial resources, and prevention. Information is centralized to help families or
other involved individuals access services which are available in the most time-efficient and stress reducing methods possible.
Home Health Care, $- these programs provides funding, funding strategies, or sliding fee scale to aid in obtaining home health care.
Home Health Services-is a Medicaid program that provides services to persons in their homes under a physicians
plan of care.
Home Health Care Services- Programs that provide medical care to elderly, disabled, ill or convalescing individuals
in their own homes.
Senior Companion Program-Companions serve adults, 21 years of age or older, in need
of assistance by providing companionship, escorting to appoint-ments, assisting with shopping and errands, providing respite
care, client advocacy home management and more. No charge for service and no income eligibility requirements.
Respite Care, $ - Programs that provide funding, funding strategies, sliding fee scale or other assistance
with respite care.
Respite Care Services - Programs that provide temporary substitute living arrangements or temporary caregivers
for dependent people in order to provide regular caregivers with a brief period of relief or rest.
ADHD Services-Services for people who have Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder,
a disorder of childhood and adolescence that is characterized by inappropriate inattention, impulsivity and hyperactivity.
Symptoms typically worsen in situations like the classroom that require sustained focus and self-application, and may be absent
when the child is in a new or one-to-one situation.
Trena Primavera (307) 777-3733.
Supports the Wyomings Youth Improvement Plan by facilitating
and partnering with various youth issue task forces Youth (i.e. Suicide Prevention and Unintended Pregnancy Prevention).
1-800-438-5795 or (307) 777-7941
A Program for Wyoming Children with Special Health Care Needs Providing: Coordination
of care-assisting families get services needed within the state or community. Referrals to Parent Support Groups.Limited financial
assistance for limited medical conditions and diseases. Specialty care clinics. Funds for translation services required by
CSH clients. For information visit the Wyoming Public Health Nursing website.
Jason's Friends Foundation -Established to assist
families whose children are suffering with brain or spinal cord tumors and other childhood cancers by providing advocacy,
helping hands, and encouragement in the face of despair. Some of the daily purchasing and delivery, housecleaning, laundry,
yard work, running errands, babysitting etc.. The Foundation also provides a primary family advocates.
1022 East 2nd Street Casper, WY 82601 Phone: (307) 235-3421 or (307) 235-2701
Parent Information Center (PIC) -serves the parents of children with disabilities or with special
needs ages birth through 21. PIC can be of help to you if you need information about special education or other services
for your child, support at an Individualized Education Program (IEP) meeting, your child is having problems at school, if
your child has been diagnosed with a disability or chronic illness and if you would like to connect with another parent who
has experienced similar challenges. PIC has a database of designated supporting parents in nearly every community in Wyoming.
5 North Lobban Buffalo, WY 82834 Phone: (307)
684-2277 or 684-2278 Toll-free: 1-800-660-9742
State Respite Program: Provides a rest for parents apart from their children who have developmental disabilities
birth through 20 years of age. Contact: Tammy Keney, Phone: (307) 777-3443. Parents: The Application Process
UPLIFT -Wyoming's Chapter of the Federation of Families for Children's Mental Healt, provides education, advocacy, information
and referral for children and youth who struggle with emotional, behavioral and mental disorders. UPLIFT administers
the Wyoming Attention Camp Program, a two-week day camp for children ages 6-11 who have been diagnosed with attention deficit/hyperactivity
disorder (ADHD).
Wish Fulfillment Programs - Wyoming programs that provide support for children or adults who are terminally or gravely
ill by granting one wish which might be a trip to Disneyland, an opportunity to meet a film star or sports personality, a
reunion with family members or other similar desire.
WIND Family Support Network-a statewide organization of Parent Coordinators
who are parents of children with disabilities of all ages. Coordinators assist parents by providing the support and
information necessary to make informed decisions for their children. 110 East 5th Avenue Cheyenne, WY 82001 Toll-free:
1-800-567-9376 Contact: Carla S. Jackson
Youth Services - Programs that provide a therapeutic living environment in a
community-based facility for emotionally disturbed, severely learning disabled, delinquent, predelinquent and/or abused children
and youth who, because of their problems, are unable to adjust to other placements.
Casper-Health Care for the Homeless Clinic-clinics
offer basic medical services to homeless individuals and their families. Care provided is primary, preventive, limited dental,
limited vision and medication. Mental health and substance abuse counseling are provided on site through Central Wyoming Counseling
Landers-Visions -Long-term care and rehabilitation services
for individuals with Acquired Brain Disorder (brain disorder beginning after age 21). Specific therapies include physical,
occupational, speech, aquatic, and hippo (equestrian). Services includes behavior management training, ADL (Activities of
Daily Living) skill training, cognitive rehabilitation training, vocational opportunities, and medical/dental services.
ADA Help-Assists individuals, businesses and agencies with the Americans with Disabilities Act.
Advocacy, Disability-Interceding on behalf of individuals and/or groups to ensure that they receive the benefits
and services to which they are entitled, or seeking to influence legislation in order to benefit specific interest groups
or achieve specific goals.
Assessments/Evaluations -Programs that utilize one or a combination of diagnostic tools to evaluate a particular
disease or condition. The purpose of screening is to identify people who have a potential problem and refer them for early
diagnosis and treatment and, where possible, to provide preventive or ameliorative measures. Other evaluations included determing
proper adaptive aids and equipment to improve quality of life.
Clothing, Adapted- Clothing that has been especially designed for individuals who have physical disabilities.
Rehabilitation Services -Programs that provide a comphrensive combination of treatment and education services which
are designed to restore maximum functioning, a sense of well-being and a personally satisfying level of independence for individuals
who have temporary or permanent disabilities.
Counseling, $-
Programs that provide funding strategies, financial assistance or offer services
on a sliding scale to ensure that low-income and indigent individuals and families have access to essential counseling services.
Debt Management- Programs that provide direct advice and guidance regarding money management
techniques and debt consolidation and/or repayment programs for people who are having difficulty budgeting their money and
meeting necessary monthly expenses.
Emergency, $- Provision of cash or vouchers to purchase needed items, pay rent or utilities, etc., usually
given on a one-time-only or short-term basis for those in financial distress.
Energy, $- Programs that provide financial assistance for people who are unable to pay their enerey
bills or make deposits on their utilities or which offer special services which support people's ability to make utility payments.
Food, $- Programs that seek to meet the basic nutritional needs of the community by providing improved access to free
or low-cost food products.
Food Stamps- A federally-funded program that enables low-income and indigent households to obtain food
stamp coupons which can be exchanged in nearly all grocery stores for food.
Furniture, $- Programs that provide furniture to people who cannot afford to purchase clothing at retail
Health Care, Travel, $-Organizations that help with costs of transportation or lodging for individuals who must
travel long distance to obtain health care. Help is often extended to family members.
Health Care, Women, $- Programs that provide funding strategies, financial assistance or offer services on a sliding
scale to ensure that women who have low-income or are indigent individuals have access to essential health care.
Health Care, Youth/Kids, $- Programs that provide funding strategies, financial assistance or offer services on a sliding
scale to ensure that children who have low-income or are indigent individuals have access to essential health care.
Homemaker Services, $- Program provides
funding, funding strategies, or sliding fee scale to aid in obtaining homemaker services.
Household Supplies, $- Programs that provide household goods to people who cannot afford to purchase clothing at
retail prices.
Housing, $ -Specialized housing programs for low-income individuals and families including programs
providing, subsidy, rehabilitation, modification, loans, weatherization, etc.
LIEAP (Low Income Energy Assistance
Program): Crisis Assistance: is a once per program year benefit available to eligible clients
who are facing an emergency situation: A life or health threatening situation, deposit funds for a fuel hook-up or to avoid
a shut-off, or a heating system failure during winter months are considered crisis situations. The benefit amount is based
on the amount needed to resolve the crisis up to a maximum of $400. Applications for Crisis Assistance are accepted until
March 15 of the program year. Payments are made directly to the fuel provider. To apply for Crisis Assistance you must FIRST
complete the LIEAP Application (choose from the options below),and then complete the additional Crisis Application (hardcopy
only). Heating Assistance
or LIEAP is paid for the months of November through May. Applications are accepted beginning the first working day in October
through the last working day of February of the program year. Benefits are based on household size, household income and the
type of fuel used as the primary heating source. Payments are made directly to the fuel provider. Print Application Instructions, Print Application, Print Crisis Application(all 3 require Adobe Acrobat Reader)
Living Skills, $ - Programs that provide funding strategies, financial assistance or offer
services on a sliding scale to ensure that low-income and indigent individuals and families have access to essential living
skills services.
Loan Closets- Programs that enable individuals who have physical or sensory limitations to
borrow the assistive technology products they require at no charge. Loans may be long or short-term in nature and the devices
are returned once the agreed-upon period of time has elapsed.
Meals on Wheels - Programs that prepare and deliver regular hot meals to people who are
unable to shop for and/or prepare the food for themselves or to travel to a site where a meal is served.
Rental, $ -Programs that help with rental payments for people who are unable to
make the payments or who are at risk of eviction and who qualify for this service on the basis of income or need. Assistance
is usually limited perhaps to no more then help for one month.
Soup Kitchens -programs that provide meals in a central location for indigent people
who are hungry.
Tax Help - Programs that provide advice and guidance for people who need to understand
the tax laws as they relate to individuals in their situation, who need copies of tax forms or who need assistance in completing
and filing their income tax returns.
Tax Rebate to Elderly and Disabled Program: (307) 777-6794 Applications must also be postmarked no later than August
29 to be considered. When applying, applicants must have documen-tation verifying age, disability, and income. Determination
of eligibility will be made by the Wyoming Department of Health, and checks are mailed directly to eligible applicants around
December 20.
Telephone, $ - Programs that provide financial assistance
for people who are unable to pay their utility bills or make deposits on their utilities or which offer special services which
support people's ability to make utility payments.
Transportation, $ - Program provides funding, funding strategies, sliding fee scale or
other assistance with transportation and/ or emergency travel.
Weatherization Assistance-the Wyoming State
plan allocates 15% of the base LIEAP grant to address weatherization needs. Eligibility criteria are the same as for LIEAP
and the application is the same. Applications for weatherization are accepted throughout the program year. There is no cost
to the client for weatherization services.
Utilities, $ -Programs that provide financial assistance
for people who are unable to pay their utility bills or make deposits on their utilities or which offer special services which
support people's ability to make utility payments
| |
Special Notices
Support Groups
No Support Group Meetings listed.
Call: (303) 321-5503
Support Gp, Caregivers-Group providing support to people who have assumed responsibility for attending to the needs
of individuals who are temporarily or permanently unable to care for themselves.
Support Gp, Disability - Group for those who are physically or mentally challenged for any of a variety of reasons.
State Resources continued
Genetics Services -Advice for parents who are concerned about the occurrence or recurrence of
hereditary problems or abnormalities in their offspring or for those who need information about their own prospects for health.
Group Home, Disability-Program which provides an alternative living environment for people who have a disability
and are unable to live on their own or with their own family for a variety of reasons.
Group Home, Youth- Program which provides an alternative living environment for youth and children who
are unable to live on their own or with their own family for a variety of reasons.
Residential, Disability Serv. -Programs that provide a therapeutic living environment in community-based facilities for
individuals who have a disability of other health or mental health problems and who require a structured, supervised program.
Hospice Care- Wyoming Hospice programs that provide supportive services for people who are terminally ill
and in the final stages of their illnesses and for their families. Hospices provide palliative care including skilled nursing,
personal care, social work, bereavement support, and pastoral counseling. Some provide physical therapy, physician & pharmaceutical
services. Most Hospices accept Medicaid, Medicare, private insurance, and private
payments accepted; No one is refused based on inability to pay.
Also provides a ten-bed inpatient facility with 24-hour nursing.
Support groups and medical equipment available to both terminal
and non-terminal patients. Also has a loan-closet (cost-free) for Albany County residents who are in need of (temporary) medical
equipment loans, such as beds, toilet risers, shower/lift chairs, transfer boards, etc. Items must be returned when no longer
needed, clean and in good working order.
Torrington-Special Touch Family Program; Provides palliative (comfort) care for terminally
ill people in conjunction with Prairie Haven Hospice, Scottsbluff, NE. Utilizes volunteers, medical care is not
Consumer Assistance-Consumer complaint form, consumer complaint statistics, Wyoming
buyers guides to medicare supplement and long-term care insurance, a consumer's guide to getting and keeping health insurance,
auto insurance publications, senior citizen information, information on the Wyoming Health Insurance Pool and the Wyoming
Life and Health Guaranty Fund
Funeral Home Trusts-Download forms for funeral homes that sell pre-arranged funeral service contracts
or that have a privately-owned cemetery
Wyoming State Health Insurance Information Program (WSHIIP). Trained
counselors promote consumer understanding of Medicare, Medicaid, Medicare supplement and long-term care insurance.
Insurance Help - Programs that provide a variety of supportive services for individuals who need help with health
Kid Care: Patti Guzman (307) 777-7566. Wyoming Kid Care, provides
health care benefits for income qualified uninsured children. Applications for Kid Care may be obtained by calling 1-888-996-8786.
Medicaid: Iris Oleske-State Medicaid Agent Phone:
(307) 777-7531. To register for access to Provider Services, visit our New Users area and complete the online enrollment process.
Medicaid Help - A federal program administered by the county
that provides comprehensive medical benefits for low-income people whose resources are within allowable limits.
Medicaid Waiver Eligibility - Agencies which process eligibility for programs administered by the
state under a special agreement with the federal government to provide assistance to ensure that individuals with low income
who have serious disabilities have access to essential medical services.
Medicaid Waiver Eligibility DD-Agencies which process eligibility for programs administered by the state
under a special agreement with the federal government to provide assistance to ensure that children with developmental disabilities
have access to essential medical services.
Medicaid Providers Search-provides access to information on Medicaid Waiver Providers in Wyoming.
Provides parents and guardians an easy, straightforward way to find out about waiver providers in their area. Please note:
Providers are included in this listing on a voluntary basis. As such, this listing does not substitute for the complete
list maintained by DDD.
Wyoming Medicaid - Your guide to Wyoming Medicaid (Title
19) services explains what Medicaid is and how it works. When you need medical care, use this booklet to find out if
Medicaid will cover the services.
Medicare+ Choice in Wyoming- In
Wyoming, the only choice available for beneficiaries to help fill in the gaps is supplemental insurance. Medicare is encouraging
companies to offer the other options, such as HMOs, MSAs, PSOs, etc., but again, as of now supplemental insurance (Medigap)
is the only choice available in Wyoming. For an explanation or address of insurance companies that carry Medicare Supplement "Medigap" Insurance or Long-Term Care Insurance click on either title.
Medicare Help - federally-funded programs in Wyoming that provides hospital and
medical insurance for people age 65 and older, for qualified disabled people and for insured workers and their dependents.
SSI - Supplemental Security Income. A federal income maintenance program
that provides basic financial assistance in the form of a monthly check for people who are age 65 and older, blind or disabled
and who have little or no income and resources.
The Wyoming Covering Kids Project is the outreach component to the
Wyoming Kid Care and Medicaid for Children health insurance programs for children.
Consumer Help- Programs that provide direct advice and guidance and/or educational materials for consumers who need assistance
in managing their financial resources, evaluating competitive products and services and choosing the most favorable option,
understanding their rights as consumers and seeking redress when they believe their rights have been violated.
Legal Help - Programs that provide legal counseling and/or representation for low-income
and indigent individuals who need assistance in routine legal matters, usually in the area of bankruptcy, housing, public
benefits, family law, elder law or immigration/naturalization.
Civic Groups Clubs, associations and other voluntary organizations whose members are concerned with the general
welfare of the community and enhancing the life of its citizenry.
Clothing, $- Programs that provide personal apparel to people who cannot afford to purchase clothing at
retail prices.
Counseling, Crisis-
Emotional support and problem-solving assistance to help those in acute emotional
distress achieve and maintain a state of emotional stability and the skills to cope with immediate demands.
Counseling, Health Problems- Programs that provide emotional support, information and guidance through a variety of modalities
for individuals who are concerned about or are suffering from any of a variety of illnesses, including those that may ultimately
be fatal, or the disabling or disfiguring effects of an illness, injury or surgery.
County Attorney -The chief prosecuting officer for the county who is responsible for initiating
charges and prosecuting people, including juveniles, who have been accused of felony and misdemeanor offenses; enforcing laws
which require responsible people to support their dependents; etc
Crisis Intervention/Help-
Immediate assistance for people who are in acute emotional distress. Resources located throughout
Wyoming counties.
Issuing/Maintaining/providing access
to or copies of official documents that certify that an individual has died.
Death Services- Help with bereavement over the loss of a loved one or, in the event of terminal
illness, preparation for the loss of a loved one.
Information & Referral -Programs whose primary purpose is to link people who need assistance
with appropriate community resources.
Pathways Plus an EXCELLENT state-wide
database of over 3,200 human service organizations; includes listings
for state agencies, county programs, service organizations, and private practices; It is the most extensive and current
collection of this type of information available. Click on the letter
below that the subject begins with.
Medications, $ - Programs that pay for or provide drugs and other pharmaceuticals for people who cannot
afford to purchase them at retail prices.
Medication Information- Programs that answer questions concerning prescription, over-the-counter or street drugs
including those regarding appropriate therapeutic uses, adverse side effects, interaction/reaction with foods or other drugs,
product identification and availability or equivalency, and safety etc.
Medication Provider- Programs that supply medication that has been prescribed as part of an individual's treatment
for an illness or injury.
Wyoming State Hospital (307) 789-3464.
Advocacy, Mental Health- Interceding on behalf of individuals and/or groups to ensure that they
receive the benefits and services to which they are entitled, or seeking to influence legislation in order to benefit specific
interest groups or achieve specific goals.
Mental Health, Youth/Kids -Programs that provide emotional support, advice and guidance for veterans
who have emotional problems relating to experiences they had while in the service or who have separated from the military
and are having difficulty adjusting to their civilian status.
Mental Health, $ - Programs that provide funding strategies, financial assistance or offer
services on a sliding scale to ensure that low-income and indigent individuals and families have access to essential mental
health services.
Mental Health, Information-Providing information about mental health problems or services. This
may be done through the provision of telephone information services, publications, or active community education programs.
Mental Health, Counseling-Emotional support and problem-solving assistance to help people with serious
emotional or mental health problems achieve, maintain and enhance a state of well-being and the skills to cope with everyday
Mental Health, Day Treatment-Programs that provide a therapeutic environment for individuals who
have acute or chronic mental or emotional disturbances, who do not require full-time hospital care but who can benefit from
a structured environment for some portion of the day or week.
Outpatient Programs: Deferred Admissions Program - to avoid the unnecessary hospitalization of persons served by providing
community housing and/or case management services to those persons who would otherwise be at risk for in-patient psychiatric
hospital. Provides temporary housing while permanent living arrangements are being made.
Personal Services
Errand/Shopping Help- Programs that offer the services of individuals who are available to make short
trips to purchase groceries, pick up prescriptions, withdraw or deposit money in the bank, drop or retrieve laundry and do
other small tasks for people who have disabilities and frail elderly individuals who cannot leave their homes or are otherwise
unable to perform these tasks for themselves.
Lifelines - Programs that provide devices which enable disabled individuals to
contact people in another part of the house or preidentified individuals in other nearby areas in order to communicate or
make a request of some kind
Homemaker Services- Services of trained homemakers who go into the homes of families whose routines
have been disrupted by illness, disability or other problems and assume responsibility for routine household activities.
Personal Care, $ -Programs that provides funding, funding strategies, or sliding fee scale
to aid in obtaining personal care services.
Personal Care Services -Assistance with personal hygiene (bathing,
grooming and mouth care), clothing care, ambulation, feeding, toileting, housekeeping, food preparation and nutritional and
environmental support for elderly and disabled people.
Personal Emergency Response - Programs that use electronic equipment to connects frail elderly individuals
or people who have disabilities with participating hospitals, paramedics or other sources of emergency assistance.
Complaints/Discipline-If a patient has a complaint, they may call the Board, toll-free at 1-800-438-5784 to discuss the matter.
However, prior to opening a docket and initiating an investigation, Board rules require a written complaint naming
the physician and/or PA involved, the patient and a detailed narrative describing what happened and when. The complaint must
be signed and include the complaintant's address and telephone number.
Board of Medicine exists to serve and protect the public
through licensing and disciplining physicians and physician assistants under the authority of the Medical Practice Act.
Physician Search-Data on this site is to be used for informational purposes only. If you are seeking verification of licensure for accreditation,
licensure or any other purpose, please contact the Board in writing.
Psychiatry Services- Programs that offer early intervention, preventive, diagnostic or treatment
services, medication, case management, transitional care or other services that supplement and facilitate primary and adjunctive
therapies; which offer community mental health education programs
Psychology Services- Programs that provide diagnostic and treatment planning services for people
who are experiencing acute or chronic mental or emotional problems. Included is a continuum of assessment services ranging
from a comprehensive psychological evaluation to the administration of one or a combination of psychological tests to examine
a particular personality variable.
Occupational Therapy, $ - Programs that provide funding strategies, financial assistance
or offer services on a sliding scale to ensure that low-income and indigent individuals and families have access to essential
occupational therapy services.
Occupational Therapy Services-Programs that evaluate the task performance skills of disabled people and devise
treatment programs to develop or restore the basic motor skills that are needed to engage in desired self-care, work, play
or leisure time activities.
Speech Therapy Services - Programs that offer individual or group therapy sessions which focus
on the remediation of specific articulation problems in which speech sounds are omitted, replaced by substitute sounds or
distorted; voice problems in which pitch, loudness or quality of voice is affected; or stuttering.
WaterTherapy Services - Programs that utilize the therapeutic properties of water to treat
people who have illnesses or injuries.
Veterans Services -Wyoming services for Individuals who are former members of one of the branches
of the armed forces and who, by length and type of services, discharge status or degree of disability, qualify for the benefits
and privileges that are provided by law.
The Veteran's Home of Wyoming is an assisted living facility founded to meet the needs of the veterans and their spouses who have
served in the armed forces of the United States. A limited number on non-veterans may also be eligible for admission The one
hundred and twenty bed facility provides the resident with more than just room and board it provides the resident with a community
of caring people. 700 Veterans Lane, Buffalo, WY 82834-9402 Phone:
Mental Health, Veterans -Programs that provide emotional support, advice and guidance for veterans
who have emotional problems relating to experiences they had while in the service or who have separated from the military
and are having difficulty adjusting to their civilian status.
Birth Certificates-Programs that maintain and, where appropriate, provide copies of birth certificates,
i.e., documents which certify the date and place of a person's birth and parentage.
Wyoming-Other Resources
CPR Training-Cardio-pulmonary resuscitation. Programs that instruct the public in the appropriate techniques
for prolonging the lives of victims of heart failure until emergency medical care can be provided.
First Aid Training- Programs that involve the public in the basic lifesaving techniques of administering emergency
assistance to injured or otherwise disabled people prior to the arrival of trained medical personnel.
Homeless Drop-In Center- Programs that provide a center where homeless people can spend time during the day. The center
may provide counseling and/or medication monitoring on a formal or informal basis; facilities for showering, shaving, napping,
laundering clothes, making necessary telephone calls or attending to other personal needs; and/or other basic supportive services.
Housing, Shelter Programs that provide a temporary place to stay for newcomers, travelers, people who are
in crisis, or homeless individuals in the community.
Living Skills -Programs that assist people who have disabilities to learn the basic skills of daily living
through individual and group counseling and instruction, experience and practice in coping with real or simulated life situational
demands; or through the use of assistive devices, special equipment and specialized assistants.
Recreation, Accessible - Special facilities or leisure time activities for specific populations, such as people
with disability.
Runaway Hotlines -Programs that provide telephone crisis intervention services for children and youth who
have run away from or have been pushed out of their homes or who are acting out and at risk of abuse.
Suicide Prevention - Programs which provide Hotlines or counseling focused on the prevention of suicide.
Terminal Illness Services - Services
helping people (usually both the afflicted person and family members) deal with terminal illness.
Wyoming Certified Brain Injury Specialists: CBIS is part of the Visions Progam at the Wyoming
State Training School in Lander, Wyoming. Among the CBIS program objectives: to improve the quality of brain injury
services; to develop a curriculum and a Performance Based Assessment specific to brain injury services.
Misc. State Support
Patient Advocate Foundation-listings by State: Ensuring equal access to health care to all Americans.
Find out what is available in your community. Information available on (to mention only a few from the entire list):
Children, Children's Health Insurance Programs, Community Referral, Disability Services, Financial Assistance, Food
Stamps, Health Care, Insurance, Legal, Medication/Drug Assistance and Special Needs
Private Fuel Funds - There are non-federal dollars
available from local fuel funds, which frequently are contributed by your neighbors when they pay their utility bill. Ask
the state energy assistance office for the local phone number of the fuel fund nearest your residence.
State Resources-information or links related to Assistive Technologies, Disability Resources,
Domestic Violence Legal Information, Family Legal Guides, Family Services, Guardianship Programs, Health & Human Services
Quick Locators, Legal Assistance, Legal Forms - State & Federal, Long-Term Care Ombudsman Programs, Medicaid, Medicaid
Waiver Programs, Social Security Offices, Summer Camp Programs, United Way~Local Support and more
United Way-Search By Zip Code will provide you with information on the United Way in your area.
If they have a website, they usually have a section called "How Do I Get Help?" Click on it and look for their
"Quick Guide" (To Human Services) for help in your area. You can print it out. Most guides are in PDF
format and are a great resources to put on your refrigerator!
Other Information
Dental-Even if you cannot pay
for dental care there are ways in which to receive help. Contact the American Dental Association (ADA) (1-800-621-8099) to
learn about dentists who assist individuals on fixed incomes by offering their services at reduced fees. is a screening tool provided by the federal government to help you find government benefits
that you may be eligible to receive.
Insurance Wyoming Consumer Guide -A Guide For Getting and Keeping Health Insurance. The Guide summarize
your protections, and so may not answer all of your questions. It is not a substitute for legal, accounting, or
other professional advice.