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New Mexico
Project SUCCEEDEnhancing employment opportunities for individuals in NM receiving SSI/SSDI.
Technology Assistance ProgramOffers free services to New Mexicans with disabilities to help them get the assistive technology (AT) services
they need.
Health and Social Services
Human Services DepartmentServes over 400,000 New Mexicans each month by administering several large state and federally funded programs.
Income Support DivisionHosted by the Human Services Department. Contains information on various programs including: The Food Stamp Program; Temporary Assistance for Needy
Families (TANF); General Assistance; Low Income Home Heating Assistance Program.
Public Records and Archives
Special Notices
Support Group Meetings
When: 3rd Sat of each mo
Time: 2 - 4 p.m.
Location: Highland Sr. Center
131 Monroe Street
Albuquerque NM
(Just No. of Hiland Theater on Central)
Phone: 1-505-266-2665
Misc. State Support
Patient Advocate
Foundation listings by State: Ensuring equal access to health care to all Americans.
Find out what is available in your community. Information available on (to mention only a few from the entire list):
Children, Children's Health Insurance Programs, Community Referral, Disability Services, Financial Assistance, Food
Stamps, Health Care, Insurance, Legal, Medication/Drug Assistance and Special Needs
Private Fuel Funds There are non-federal dollars available from local fuel funds, which frequently are
contributed by your neighbors when they pay their utility bill. Ask the state energy assistance office for the local phone
number of the fuel fund nearest your residence.
State Resources-information or links related to Assistive Technologies, Disability Resources, Domestic Violence
Legal Information, Family Legal Guides, Family Services, Guardianship Programs, Health & Human Services Quick Locators,
Legal Assistance, Legal Forms - State & Federal, Long-Term Care Ombudsman Programs, Medicaid, Medicaid Waiver Programs,
Social Security Offices, Summer Camp Programs, United Way~Local Support and more.
United Way-Search By Zip Code will provide you with information on the United Way in your area. If they have a website,
they usually have a section called "How Do I Get Help?" Click on it and look for their "Quick Guide"
(To Human Services) for help in your area. You can print it out. Most guides are in PDF format and are a great
resources to put on your refrigerator!
Dental-Even if you cannot pay for dental care there are
ways in which to receive help. Contact the American Dental Association (ADA) (1-800-621-8099) to learn about dentists who
assist individuals on fixed incomes by offering their services at reduced fees. is a screening tool provided by the federal government to help you find government
benefits that you may be eligible to receive.
for Getting and Keeping Health Insurance. The Guide summarize your protections,
and so may not answer all of your questions. It is not a substitute for legal, accounting, or other professional