Click on map for yellow pages
HDSA Chapter
City: Phone
406-656-0872 Fax Website: None Montana:
Billings & Whitefish area
Genetic Testing
Shodair Children's Hospital Department of Genetics PO Box 5539 2755 Colonial
Drive Helena, MT 59604 Contact: Dr. John Johnson Phone: 1-(800)
447-6614 Fax: (406) 444-1022
Results are reported within
3 weeks of receipt of sample.
HD Experienced
Need your input
Nursing Homes
Need your input on experienced care faciltiies.
State Long Term Care Ombudsman
Montana State
Long-Term Care OFFICE ON AGING Department of Health
and Human Services Senior & LTC Division P.O.
Box 4210 111 Sanders Helena, MT 59604-4210 Phone: (406) 444-4077 FAX: (406)
Montana Senior & Long Term Care Division1-800-332-2272 or your Area Agency
on Aging at 1-800-551-3191.
Adult Protective Services
Adult Protective Services - Adult Protective Services
are provided by the Senior and Long Term Care Division of the Montana Department of Public Health and Human Services (DPHHS),
to reduce or remove the risk of physical or mental harm that has occurred or is occurring to a person, as a result of abuse
neglect or exploitation. These services are provided to persons over the age of 60, physically or mentally disabled adults
and adults with developmental disabilities who are at risk of physical or mental injury, neglect, sexual abuse or exploitation.
Adult Protective Services are emergency intervention activities which may include: investigating complaints, coordinating
family and community support resources, strengthening current living situations, developing and protecting personal financial
resources and facilitating legal intervention.
Elder and Disabled Adult Abuse/Neglect - The National Center on Elder Abuse has identified at least seven different types of elder/ disabled adult
abuse. These are physical abuse, sexual abuse, emotional abuse, financial/material exploitation, neglect, physical neglect
and self neglect.
Ombudsman -
is a person who responds to the concerns of elderly persons or disabled adults who live in long-term care facilities. An ombudsman
can help residents understand and exercise their rights to good care. Ombudsmen are impartial mediators when they look into
situations of concerns to residents, and if grounds for a complaint are found, ombudsmen may supply information, suggest solutions,
and encourage action or changes on behalf of the residents.
physical and/or mental disabilities, in their quest to live independently
in their
own communities.
Montana Advocacy Program (MAP) MAP is a private, non-profit, federally funded advocacy group, whose mission is to
advocate for and protect the civil and constitutional rights of Montanans with disabilities
Montana Legal Services Association provides free legal assistance in civil cases, to low-income people. MLSA is
not a federal or state agency. MLSA is federally and privately funded. MLSA represents individuals and families
with an income of 125% or less of the federal poverty level, and limited assets.
MonTECH - program is a part of the Rural Institute on Disabilities, at the University
of Montana. MonTECH staff provide free information about assistive technology devices and services for Montanans
of any age. They do not prescribe assistive devices, rather, they provide clients with up-to-date information on what is available
to meet individual needs, descriptions of devices and services, and how to contact suppliers.
National Senior Citizens Law Center - The National
Senior Citizens Law Center advocates nationwide to promote the independence and well-being of low-income elderly individuals,
as well as persons with disabilities, with particular emphasis on women and racial and ethnic minorities.
Rural Institute on Disabilities - is an organization
that promotes the full participation in rural life of individuals with disabilities. The institute staff assist clients by
discovering and developing innovative approaches to meet the challenges of living with a disability in a rural area, by increasing
the number and quality of professionals and providers in rural areas, by providing information about rural areas to consumers,
providers, families, policy makers and the general public.
General Legal Questions - As a senior citizen or disabled adult, do you have
general legal questions relating to your health or medical treatment, residence or business affairs? Contact the DPHHS/ Senior and Long Term Care Division legal assistance developer, at (406)444-7783 or toll
free 1-800-332-2272 (in state) for more information.
Gifting - Care should be exercised when you are contemplating "gifting" your assets to other people.
There is a risk in gifting an asset if you are anticipating long term care needs and possible medical expenses for yourself
or your spouse. A gift is considered a transfer of a resource at less than fair market value. The government views this as
giving away property that could have been used for your long term care needs. This could result in your ineligibility for
Medicaid assistance for a duration of time.
Guardianship - Montana
law defines a guardian as one who is legally empowered and charged with the duty of taking care of another, who, because of
age, intellect or health, is not able to manage his or her own affairs. If a separate conservator is not appointed,
the court may grant the guardian some or all of the responsibilities of a conservator. What does a guardian do? Read
Legal Guide - This manual provides a laymans
understanding of various legal documents, and an explanation of their uses. These documents are important components in planning
your future and this manual will introduce you to the basics of powers of attorney, estate planning, use of living trusts,
and advanced directives-living wills. However, this presents only the basics; you should always seek competent legal advice
for your estate planning. If you would like a free copy of "The Legal Guide", please contact the Legal Services Developer
at (406) 444-7782 or (800)332-2272, or to download it from our Publications library, click here (Montana Legal Guide)(PDF: 187kb).
Medicaid Lien and Estate Recovery - In Montana, "estate recovery" activities are federally mandated laws, enacted to help pay Medicaid covered
expenses for the increasing number of individuals needing medical care. Montanans whose estates may be effected by estate
recoveries, are those who: were residents of nursing homes were residents of an intermediate care facility for the mentally
retarded were residents of an institution for mental disease received medical services at age 55 or older. Read more... |
Special Notices
Support Group Meetings
When: 2nd Monday
except summer Time:
7:30 Location Alice Fortin Center
Directions two blocks from uptown
When: 2nd Monday monthly
Time: 7:00 to 8:00 p.m Where:
North Valley Hospital
Canyon Room
Whitefish, Montana Contact: JoAnn Fredenberg
Phone: (406) 892-3179
State Resources continued
Montana Living Will - The "Montana Rights of the Terminally Ill Act" (also known as the "Montana Living Will Act") allow individuals
the maximum possible control over their own medical care and inevitable death. The law allows you to declare your intent not
to have life sustaining treatment which only prolongs the process of dying. This Declaration becomes effective if your attending
physician determines you have an incurable or irreversible condition that will result in death in a relatively short time.
Powers of Attorney - Powers of attorney are an inexpensive,
flexible option to consider when planning for future decision making incapacity. Your attorney will explain the various forms
of powers of attorney, as well as their advantages and limitations. A power of attorney allows you to name another person
to make decisions for you, if you are unable to make decisions yourself. Read more...
Trusts - The use of trusts is increasingly popular. The drafting
of a trust may create additional problems if the trust document is completed without considering long term care issues and
Medicaid. If you transfer assets into certain trusts, the government will extend the look back period to 60 months. This means
the government may go back 60 months from the time you apply for Medicaid to determine if the transferred asset should be
used for your long term care needs.
Disability Determinations - Disability determinations are made by trained staff who evaluate medical and
vocational information for applicants. This information is compared to criteria established by the Social Security Administration,
in order to determine whether or not the applicant retains their ability to return to employment. If you would like more information
about disability determinations, contact Disability Determination Services at (800) 545-3054. Social Security On-Line:How To Apply For Benefits
Estate Planning-The Montana
State University Extension Service maintains some excellent on-line information relating to financial planning. For
access to (22) different MSU fact sheets on estate planning, click on the following link: MSU Extension Service: Estate Planning
Long Term Care Insurance Considerations insurance was developed to provide people with some protection against
the significant expenses associated with a prolonged illness that requires special care. For most consumers, the purchase
of long term care insurance policies requires serious consideration. Read more...
Medicaid - Medicaid is a health insurance program that is funded
by both state and federal governments. Medicaid rules and policies often differ significantly, from state to state. Eligibility
for Medicaid is based, in part, on financial need. This program is different from Medicare, which is a national health insurance
program that is based upon work history, not on financial need.
Supplemental Insurance - If you would like to learn more about supplemental insurance, you may want to visit
one of the resources listed below. Just choose one, click and go!
Financial Arrangements
Medicaid Waiver - The Medicaid Waiver program was designed to assist seniors
and adults with disabilities to remaining in their homes and communities, and prevent their placement in nursing
homes whenever appropriate. Clients who are eligible for this program, receive Medicaid coverage and special services specific
to their needs, in the hopes of avoiding institutionalization.
Home Health Care Services
Community Alternatives - They are designed to keep people as independent as possible in the community for
as long as possible. These services range from home chore services or assistance with activities of daily living (like eating,
bathing, etc.) to comprehensive or intensive services like Home and Community Based Waiver Program or home dialysis.
Read more for services....
Home Health Aides - Home
health aides are paraprofessionals who provide assistance to persons and/or families whose routines have been disrupted by
either short or long term illness. Their services may include assisting in medication administration, teaching the client
and/or care giver self-care techniques, and observing, recording and reporting on the clients status and any observed changes.
Home Health Services - Home health services are the following services provided by a licensed home health
agency to a person considered homebound in his place of residence for the purposes of postponing or preventing institutionalization:
skilled nursing services, home health aide services; physical therapy services; occupational therapy services; speech therapy
services; and medical supplies and equipment suitable for use in the home. Read more for services....
Home (Accessibility) Modifications - Home modifications and repairs not only help prevent accidents such as falls, but
help to allow people to remain in their own homes by increasing comfort and safety. Below are just a few of the common accessibility
situations people face, and some possible solutions: Read more for services....
Hospice Services - The hospice assists by providing care and managing the persons terminal condition. This includes providing
nursing services, respite care, inpatient services, pharmaceuticals, durable medical equipment, bereavement counseling and
nursing facility services.
Meals on Wheels Programs - If you would like to learn more about home-delivered meals and nutrition for seniors, you may want to explore
one of the nutrition-related web sites listed below. Just pick one that looks interesting, click and go! Read more....
Medical Equipment Loan/Purchase - In Montana, an equipment loan/lease program is available through MonTECH.
MonTECH is Montana's technology-related assistance program for people with disabilities. Program efforts focus on
the development of a comprehensive statewide system of technology-related assistance to ensure that all Montanans with disabilities
have equitable access to assistive technology and services. MonTECH's loan/lease program allows consumers to try equipment
on a borrow/short-term basis before they buy, to make sure a device will meet their needs. Read more....
Skilled Nursing Service - The Health Care Financing Administration (HCFA) maintains an extensive database titled
"Nursing Home Compare." This database contains information on every Medicare and Medicaid certified nursing home in
the country. You can use the database to locate nursing homes in your community and find information about compliance
with Medicare and Medicaid regulations. If you would like Read more....
Transportation Services - Transportation services are sometimes available to senior citizens or adults
with disabilities, to transport them to and from health and other community services in non-emergency situations. Destinations
may include medical appointments, shopping for necessities, therapy appointments, support groups, meal sites, mobility equipment
sites, and the like. These services may also provide an individual who is unable to travel or wait alone, with a companion
to assist them to and from their appointment(s). For more information, contact the Montana Senior & Long Term Care
Division at 1-800-332-2272 or your Area Agency on Aging at 1-800-551-3191.