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West Virginia
Genetic Testing
West Virginia University Department of Pediatric/Genetics P.O.
Box 9214 Morgantown, WV 26506-9214 Contact: Marybeth Hummel, MD Phone:
(304) 293-7332 Fax: (304) 293-4337
Nursing Homes
HD Experienced
Need your input
State Long-Term Care Ombudsman
West Virginia State Long-Term
Care Commission on Aging 1900 Kanawha Boulevard East Charleston, WV 25305-0160 Phone: (304) 558-3317 FAX:
(304) 558-0004
This office was established to assist citizens of West Virginia in addressing concerns
and grievances that they have regarding the behavioral health care delivery system and to provide for a process in which resolution
of those issues can be accomplished.
Other Support
State Resources
Adult Residential Services refer to a range of services provided by the Department
of Health and Human Resources to benefit incapacitated adults who reside in certain out-of-home, paid placement settings.
This type of assistance is generally needed in situations when an incapacitated adult needs a supportive living arrangement
but does not have family and/or financial resources to provide for these needs.
Advance Directive Information
Alcholism and Drug Abuse
The program assists with payment up to $1250 toward the cost of funeral expenses
for an indigent adult or child.
The program is used to assist individuals and families in meeting a financial crises
when they are without available resources.
Special Notices
When: 2nd Tuesday each month
Time: 7:00 PM Where:
Crim United Methodist Church
200 Pike St.
Phillip, WV Contact: Linda Bartlett Phone: (304) 457-2071
State Resources continued
Supports provided to families included: respite
care, assistance with transportation needs, assistance with equipment needs of their child, assistance with health related
needs (therapy costs, medical equipment not covered by insurance, etc.), assistance with accessing goods and services in the
community and home modifications.
The FSP provides monthly benefits to help eligible households buy food. Eligibility
to receive benefits is based on household size, income, assets and some household expenses. The income and asset limits are
determined by the federal government. The asset imit is $2,000 for most households, but if at least one person is age 60 or
over, the asset limit is $3,000. ---Eligibility
---Issuance ---FSE&T
The Medicaid Program
provides a medical card which may be used to receive medical care in the community or in an institutional setting, such as
a nursing home. Coverage Groups for Children and Their Caretakers. Aged, Blind or Disabled Individuals or Married
Mental Health
Office of the Ombudsman for
Behavioral Health State Capitol Complex Building 6, Room 850 Charleston,
WV 25305 Phone: 304-558-2159
RAPIDS determines eligibility for WV WORKS (Cash Assistance), Food Stamps,
Medical Assistance (Medicaid and WV CHIP), TRIP (Transportation Remuneration Incentive Program), NEMT (Non-Emergency Medical
Transportation), EA (Emergency Assistance), LIEAP (Low-Income Energy Assistance Program), and SCA (School Clothing Allowance).
In addition to families receiving monthly cash assistance payments through the
WV WORKS Program, families with income below 100% of the Federal Poverty Income level and who have eligible school age children
are also eligible for the school clothing allowance.
Transportation Assistance
- The primary purpose of the Transportation Renumeration
Incentive Program (TRIP) is to provide a means of transportation to certain low income elderly and handicapped persons. Each eligible participant of the program may purchase an $8.00 booklet of TRIP
tickets for only $3.00. These tickets may then be used in lieu of cash on any participating public transportation providers
such as taxis, buses, and trains. Recipients of Medicaid and Handicapped Childrens Services may request reimbursement
for the cost of transportation associated with receiving medical services. Payments are made to the client or the transportation
provider and can include meals, lodging and turnpike tolls when required.
The Low Income Energy Assistance Program (LIEAP) assists eligible households with
the cost of home heating. Cash payments are made to households or to utility companies on their behalf. A crisis component
is available for households without resources facing terminations or being without bulk fuel. Eligibility for both program
components is based on a combination of factors, including income, type of heating payment, and total heating costs. |