Click on map for yellow pages
707 SW Gaines St. Portland, OR 97201
Phone: (503) 494-7814
 Location: Marquam Hill Campus, CDRC. Map
One of the few clinics of its kind in the US that
treats individuals who cannot use speech or
writing for communication. Innovative technology
for communication disorders due to stroke, MS, ALS, movement
disorders, mental retardation or autism.
Pediatrics - Neurology
505 N.W. 185th Ave.,
Beaverton, OR
NSI research will help benefit patients with the following diseases and health problems: Huntington's disease find an OHSU doctor or clinic near you
East Portland Neurology
Clinic, PC Dr. Robert Crumpacker Dr.
Howard Taylor Dr. Panna Shah 10000 S.E. Main St., Ste 307 Portland, OR 97216 Phone: 503.256.3034
Fax: 503.256.3055 click here for a map
Marquam Hill Campus
Outpatient Clinic Building 3rd floor Portland, OR 97201

Phone: (503) 494-6976
Hours: Thursday mornings Map
The Behavioral Neurology clinic sees patients
who have disorders of higher cortical function
secondary to brain disease. The syndromes
evaluated include aphasias, apraxias, agnosias,
disorders of attention and memory and frontal lobe syndromes.
The disorders may be secondary to a wide variety of medical or neurological conditions ranging from inherited disorders to medical illnesses, including
degenerative brain diseases and focal brain lesions.
Oregon Psychological Association 147
SE 102nd
Portland, OR 97216 Phone:
503.253.9155 or
Genetic Testing
Kaiser Foundation Health Plan of NW 10220 SE Sunnyside Road Clackamas,
OR 97015-9309 Contact Genetic Counselor:
Laura Rivas, Cheryl Miranda,
Roberta Foxley, Jessica Kushner,
Angella Holt and Kate Dietrich Phone: (503) 571-5827 Fax:
(503) 571-2772
Oregon Health Sciences University CDRC
Genetics P.O. Box 574 Portland, OR 97207 Contact: Karen Kovak, MS,
Genetic Counselor Phone: (503) 494-8307 Fax: (503) 494-2786
Also does: preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD)
ALF-Nursing Homes
HD Experienced
Need your input
State Long-Term Care Ombudsman
OregonState Long-Term
Care Ombudsman 3855 Wolverine NE, Suite 6 Salem, OR 97310 Phone: (503) 378-6533 FAX:
(503) 373-0852
Misc. State Support
United Way-Search By Zip Code will provide you with information on the United Way in your area.
If they have a website, they usually have a section called "How Do I Get Help?" Click on it and look for their "Quick
Guide" (To Human Services) help in your area. You can print it out. Most guides are in PDF format and are a great
resources to have on your refrigerator!
Other Information is a screening tool provided by the federal government to help you find government
benefits that you may be eligible to receive.
Insurance Consumer Guides for Getting and Keeping Health Insurance - A guide for each state and the District of Columbia - fifty-one in all. The Guides summarize your
protections, and so may not answer all of your questions. They are not a substitute for legal, accounting, or other professional advice.
Oregon Cares toll-free number with your questions about your caregiving situation. 1(866)219-7218
CaregivingExplore the many issues facing caregivers today. Learn how to communicate
about caregiving issues and how to avoid caregiver burnout. Find out how to recognize signs of elder abuse, where you can
receive training to expand your caregiving skills and how to locate respite care and related support.
Community-based care - Adult
Day Care Services - Adult Foster Care - Assisted Living Facilities -
Residential Care Facilities - Nursing Facilities
Getting Help - Many communities have support services that enable frail older people to live
longer in their homes. You do not have to face the challenges of caregiving alone. We've investigated community services available
to help you. | |
Special Notices
Support Group Meetings
Call for Information Where: Oregon Health
Sciences University
CDRC building, Room 3200
707 SW Gaines Road,
Portland, Ore. Contact Karen Kovak Phone:
Combined open/caregivers
support group
State Resources conintued
Caregiving continued
Health care - This section discusses the ways to deal with health issues when they arise.
Find caregiver tips about pain management, depression, delirium, injuries associated with falling, hearing loss, nutrition
and more.
Legal & FinancialConsidering legal and financial issues is an important part of caregiving planning.
Making legal decisions early can save you undue stress when care needs have progressed to a more serious stage. This information
will provide you with a great start.
Needs assessment and case management When you or someone you care about
needs more help than you have available, or if you are thinking about nursing home care, we can help you sort out the choices
that may be available to you. We can also give you facts about care costs and help you plan so that you get the most for your
money. Contact your local DHS or Area Agency on Aging office for help and more information.
Community Resources
Ask a Nurse Phone: (541) 686-7000 Eugene, OR 97440 This free, 24-hour medical
info and referral service is staffed by registered nurses answering health.
Center for Family Development 1258 High Street Eugene, OR 97401 Phone:(541) 342-8437,
The office is open from 8 to 5; sessions are by appointment only. Mental health treatment
for children and adults.
Volunteers in Medicine Clinic3321 West 11th Avenue Eugene, OR 97402 Phone: (541) 685-1800 Contact:
Catherine AmberVolunteer Coordinator
Social Service Office
450 Highway 99 N Eugene, OR 97402 Phone: (541) 689-6747 Contact:
Jake DudellEmergency services and provisions for low income, at risk, and homeless families and individuals.
Food boxes, clothing, medicines, supplies, etc.
ShelterCare, Inc.
1062 Main Street #12 Springfield, OR 97477 Phone: (541) 726-8125
Temporary shelter, food and clothing to families who are homeless and shelter to single
adults with disabilities who have been referred by Lane County Mental Health. Must be able to care for self independently.
Disabilities-Visit this new section and explore the issues surrounding the younger
disabled population and the caregivers who provide services to thousands of Oregonians with disabilities. Find tips on communication,
roles and relationships, and learn about the Client Employed Provider (CEP) Program.
Choosing care
in the home
Food & financial help
When you see a doctor, ask about: Oregon Health Plan (OHP) sliding scale clinic
if you do not have insurance.
Legal issues