California State Page
Publications Catalog The CIWMB Publications Catalog is a searchable database of more than 500 publications
produced by the Board, most of which are available electronically.
Find out how to obtain copies of vital records from the State with
a link to the California County Registrar.
Abuse Shelters Lists
the addresses and phone numbers for shelters in various counties.
Child Abuse Prevention Programs Learn more about programs and services
to reduce child abuse and neglect and improve the lives of California's children and families.
Women's Rights Handbook This handbook provides summaries
of women's rights and information in important areas such as employment, economic independence, education, housing, health
care, domestic relations, violent crimes and child care.
Allow low-income seniors and disabled indivi-duals to keep more income
for at-home care: Reduces out-of-pocket payments many seniors have to contribute toward their own medical costs before Medi-Cal
is available. 1-800-510-2020.
Brown Bag Program - Volunteers collect and distribute surplus food to low-income seniors.
California Department of Aging The California Department of Aging
administers a broad range of home- and community-based services throughout California.
California Care Network Find state-licensed health, social services, mental health, alcohol and other drug, disability and elder care
services in your local community.
Low-income senior volunteers provide peer support to frail
older persons in their local communities.
Legal Assistance - Community programs provide legal information, advice, and counseling,
as well as administrative and judicial representation for seniors.
Nutrition Services - Congregate Meals: local programs provide seniors with
nutritious meals in a group setting; Home Delivered Meals: local programs prepare and deliver nutritious meals to homebound
initiative for seriously emotionally disturbed children,
adolescents and families is an ongoing project that consists of interagency services blended programs and program standards
that facilitate necessary service and support delivery in the least restrictive environment.
This is a low cost insurance that provides health,
dental and vision coverage to children who do not have insurance today and do not qualify for no-cost Medi-Cal.
Borrow books and magazines in braille or on cassette,
talking books, and playback equipment. These materials are available to Californians unable to read conventional print.
Learn about living arrangements for persons with
developmental disabilities and the kinds of services and support that are available.
Rehabilitation Programs and Services Learn about ways the Department
of Rehabilitation has to assist Californians with disabilities in obtaining and retaining employment and maximizing their
ability to live independently in their communities.
U.S. Department
of Health and Human Services -Learn more about the Federal programs which help
families in need of temporary assistance and what these programs are called in each of the fifty states.
Complaints Against DoctorsFile a complaint against Medical Assistants, Physician
Assistants, Podiatrists, Psychologists, Registered Dispensing Opticians, Research Psychoanalysts or Midwives.
Find out how to file a consumer complaint
with links to local, state, federal and legal agencies that can assist you.
provides a wide range of regionally-based services to
support and assist families and caregivers who care for adults with cognitive impairments. Services are designed to
deter institutionalization, allow caregivers to maintain a normal routine and promote quality care. Contact Information Age Group Served: 18+ (no age requirement for the family caregiver). Number of Program Sites: 11 regional sites. Find support in your area: Region Caregiver Resource Center and Counties Served
Trained staff provide information as well as assistance
and follow-up to link seniors and adults with functional impairments and their families with programs and services in their
community. |
HOME HEALTH continued
Paid Family
California workers
can receive up to 6 weeks of paid leave per year to care for seriously ill family member (parent, child, spouse, or
domestic partner)
Provides temporary or periodic services for frail elderly or adults
with functional impairments to relieve persons who are providing care, or recruiting and screening of providers and matching
respite providers to clients.
Provides a statewide resource center on home modification
resources and housing options for seniors and adults with functional impairments.
Senior Housing Information and Support Center (AB 1846,
Lowenthal) Provides information concerning housing options and home modifi-cation
alternatives that allow seniors and disabled adults to live independently or with their families. 1-800-510-2020
Managed Health Care works to ensure high quality health
care and its HMO Help Center can help resolve problems you have with your health plan, such as medical care, prescriptions,
preventive testing, and mental health services.
Departamento de Atención Administrada de la Salud works
to ensure high quality health care and its HMO Help Center can help resolve problems you have with your health plan, such
as medical care, prescriptions, preventive testing, and mental health services. (Spanish)
An essential source of healthcare insurance for millions
of low-income, elderly, and disabled Californians.
U.S. Department of Health and Human
Services -Learn about basic Medicare benefits. Find information on health plans,
nursing homes, and Medicare coverage, eligibility, enrollment and more.
Social Security Administration -Gain an understanding of the benefits offered by the Social Security Administration. Read
about disability information, supplemental social security income, and request a social security statement.
provides low cost health, dental and vision coverage to uninsured
children in low wage families. Families participating in the program choose their health, dental and vision plan. Families
pay premiums of $4-$9 per child per month (maximum of $27 per family) to participate in the program. The State and Federal
government provide funding to the HFP for an application: call toll free 1 888-747-1222.
California Courts Self-Help Center Find legal assistance, learn about
California law, work better with an attorney, and represent yourself in some legal matters. This site does not provide legal
advice. .
includes the development and administration of a local assistance
grants program for implemen-tation and expansion of community-based adult care alternatives to nursing homes.
Long-term care tax credit (AB 2871, Correa):
Eligible caregivers may now receive a $500 tax credit for families
caring for seniors and disabled adults at home. This credit will help offset the direct cost of long-term care, such as home
health visits, adult day care, and home safety modifications, as well as indirect costs, such as unpaid leave that some caregivers
must take. 1-800-510-2020.
Long-term care innovation grants:
fundS innovative models that provide more options to seniors and
younger, adults with functional impairments in need of long-term care assistance to remain in their own homes and communities.
Adult Day Health Care - A day care program which provides health,
therapeutic, and social services to serve the specialized needs of frail elderly as well as adults with functional impairments
at risk of institutionalization.
Learn about the many programs available
to California veterans.