ACLF/Nursing Homes
HD Experienced - Need
your input
Ombudsman Hotline (800) 231-4024 DEPARTMENT
OF AGING 1600 K Street Sacramento, CA 95814 Phone: 1-916-3232-6681 FAX:
Professional staff and trained volunteers investigate and resolve complaints made
by or on behalf of residents of long term care facilities.
- Nursing Home Guide: Information on all 1400+ nursing homes in California, including a profile of services,
citations, complaints and deficiencies.
- Lawyer Referral Service: Referrals to private attorneys specializing in estate planning for long term care,
including Medi-Cal, trusts, wills, and asset preservation; protective services, including conservatorships and durable powers
of attorney for healthcare and asset management; and personal injury, wrongful death, and medical malpractice in nursing homes
Medi-Cal Info/Estate Planning for Long Term Care
In Home Care
Information and Assistance (I&
A) you may receive personal care and household assistance from family, friends, and neighbors
or from various agencies in the community. Information about services in your local area is available through a network of
programs that specialize in information of particular value to older persons and younger disabled adults, their families
and caregivers. I&A program can provide you with information about in-home care, day care programs, care management services,
meal programs, home modifications, adaptive technology, transportation services, home health and hospice programs, mental
health services, respite care, caregiver support programs, legal services, health insurance counseling, and other resources
in your community.
In-Home Health / Medical Care Services-provided in the home make it possible for many people with serious health
problems to continue to live in their own homes and communities instead of in special care facilities. Home health care and
other private agencies hire and train individuals to provide this type of assistance. Search for Home Health Agency (HHA)
and Hospice support in your area.
Linkage Program - The goals of the Linkages Program are to: help frail elderly adults and adults with
disabilities, age 18 years and older, remain in their homes, maximize their independence, and reduce the need for more costly
out-of-home care. This plan may include linking the individuals and their families to existing community services, such as:
transportation, meals, in-home care, housing assistance and adult day care programs. This program providescomprehensive care
management and is designed to help "fill in the gaps" by serving individuals who are not eligible for other care management
programs. There are no income criteria for clients but they must have some difficulty with completing their
daily activities to qualify for the program.
Residential Care
Medical Care-These facilities provide skilled nursing care on a continuous and/or intermittent basis.
Patients residing in these facilities receive care and treatment for their chronic illnesses, temporary medical conditions
and developmental disabilities.
Residential Care- provide care and supervision and assistance with activities of daily living,
such as bathing and grooming. They may also provide incidental medical services under special care plans. The facilities provide
services to persons 60 years of age and over and persons under 60 with compatible needs. Because of the wide range
of services offered by RCFEs, consumers should look closely at the programs of each facility to see if the services will meet
their needs.
Respite Care
Adult Day Service Centers-offer a variety of therapeutic, medical, rehabilitative,
and related services, in a safe, centralized setting, to frail and disabled adults, and provide temporary respite
to family members and caregivers.
Respite Program - Provides for the limited purchase of temporary or periodic care for frail elderly adults and adults with
disabilities, 18 years and over, with functional impairments for the purpose of relieving a primary caregiver by
providing care, or recruiting and screening of providers and matching respite providers to clients. Services which may be
purchased include in home care, adult day care, and brief stays in board and care homes or nursing homes. This program is
available through the Linkages Program. However, individuals do not have to be clients of the Linkages Program to receive this respite
3715 McClintock Ave. Los Angeles, CA 90089 Phone: 1-213-740-1376
LACRC offers resources, information, support groups, family consultations, respite, workshops, legal
and financial consultations to caregivers who are caring for an adult with brain impairment at home. The Center advises on
alternatives when care at home is no longer possible. Anyone who resides in Los Angeles County is eligible for some
or all of their services. Most services are at no cost to the caregiver. To obtain more information, schedule consultations,
or signup for support groups, workshops, or events, please phone the LACRC at (213) 740-7363 or complete our online form and a LACRC staff member will call you.
Los Angeles Caregiver Resource Center - part of the Andrus Gerontology Center at the University of Southern California, is
a non-profit organization funded in part by the California Department of Mental Health. The Center is part of a statewide
system of regional resource centers serving families and caregivers of an adult with brain impairment
To obtain a form by mail, contact your local DMV office or call (800) 777-0133 between
the hours of 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. PST. For large quanities, read "Ordering DMV Forms in Large Quanities".
Genetically Handicapped Persons Program - GHPP provides health coverage for Californians 21 years of age and older who have specific genetic diseases
including cystic fibrosis, hemophilia, sickle cell disease, and certain neurological and metabolic diseases. GHPP also serves
children under the age of 21 with GHPP-eligible medical conditions who are not financially eligible for CCS. The program is
administered statewide through the GHPP office in Sacramento.
Information and Assistance (I&A) provider assesses the needs of the individual calling for assistance, links the caller to specific
services, and then provides follow-up to ensure, when possible, that the needed services were received. Provides accurate
and up-to-date information to seniors and adults with disabilities and their families about programs and services
in their community.
List of Centers - That provide the following for the disabled:Peer Counseling,
Independent Living Skills Training, Housing Assistance, Information and Referral, Individual Advocacy, Systems Advocacy, and
Assistive Technology.
Call 1-800-510-2020 and
you will be automatically connected with the service provider in your local area. Residential Care, Congregate Living Health Facility (CLHF), Intermediate Care Facility (ICF), Skilled Nursing
Facility (SNF), Mental Health Care facilities, Alcohol & Other Drug Services, In-Home Health/Medical Care Services, Home
Health Agency (HHA) Hospice, Adult Day Service Centers, Adult Day Care Facilities (ADC), Adult Day Health Care (ADHC).
Food & Shelter
Legal / Immigration Resources
Domestic Violence
Estate Planning
Provides information on talking with family members about ones wishes, using legal documents,
suggestions for managing pain, locating hospice programs, and finding other helpful resources.
Decisions Near the End of Life-is a 13-page booklet developed for consumers and healthcare professionals
that helps start discussions regarding end-of-life medical decisions. Available from the Sacramento Healthcare Decisions
a non-profit organization for $1.50 for sales tax and shipping costs.
Partnership Improve End-of-Life Care
1215 K Street, Suite 800 Sacramento, CA 95814 Phone: 1-916-552-7573
Contact: Laura O'Neill
California Consumer's Guide To getting and keeping health insurance. The
Guide summarize your protections, and so may not answer all of your questions. It is not a substitute for legal,
accounting, or other professional advice.
California Medi-Cal - access to provider bulletins, manuals, regulations and forms for enrolling in the Medi-Cal
program. A variety of transactions can also be performed including: Recipient Eligibility, CMC Uploads, Checkwrite Information
and much more.
California Patient's Guide - This guide is intended to inform you of your rights to receive quality health care and what
steps you can take if you encounter problems.
Citizens for the Right
to Know - is a network of approximately 80 consumer and specific disease organizations representing
hundreds of thousands of patients across the country.
Disabled Medicare beneficiaries
Health Insurance Counseling and Advocacy
Program (HICAP) - is a volunteer supported program that provides assistance
with Medicare problems and help with health insurance. The program provides unbiased information to help you make the best
choice for your individual health care needs. HICAP does not sell, endorse, or recommend any specific insurance.
Managed Health Care - California Department of Managed Health Care - works to ensure high quality health care and its HMO Help Center can help resolve problems you have with your
health plan, such as medical care, prescriptions, preventive testing, and mental health services.
Social Security provides four main kinds of benefits: retirement, disability, survivor, and health (called Medicare).
There are no resource limits to these programs.
SSI ("Supplemental Security Income") is a cash benefit program for low-income persons 65 and over and for blind and
disabled persons of any age, including infants and children.
In English or Spanish-provides practical information about how to get food, money and other help from government programs
and community services. You do not have to view the entire site; just find the topic you need in the Table of Contents. Also
provides advice on what to do if you are treated unfairly or do not receive what you are entitled to by law.
California Courts Self-Help Center - Judicial Council of California -Find legal assistance, learn about
California law, and how to represent yourself in some legal matters. This site does not provide legal advice.
Information Practices Act (IPA) / Rights of Individuals -
An overview of IPA to assist individuals to understand their rights in accessing personal information
that may be maintained by California Department of Social Services [CDSS]. IPA is not applicable to local government entities
[e.g., county welfare departments.
Self-Help Centers-Some California courts have self-help centers to help you. Some
self-help centers can help you with problems like evictions and traffic tickets. Contact your court to see if it has a self-help center.
Directory of Patient Assistance Programs / PhRMA - contains a Directory of Patient Assistance Programs that PhRMA member companies offer to ensure that their medicines
are made available to those who can't afford to purchase them.
Prescription Drug Discounts
Mental Health
Mental Health Care-licenses facilities or certifies programs engaged in the provision of care to individuals with major mental disorders. Search
for Community Residential Treatment System (CRTS), Mental Health Rehabilitation Center (MHRC), Psychiatric Health
Facility (PHF) and Special Treatment Program (STP) in your area. DMH Ombudsman: Website / Email
Senior Companion Program
provides volunteer supportive services to adults with physical,
emotional, or mental health limitations, the majority of whom are elderly.
StayWell Program 1-800-510-2020
A Community Resources for California Seniors, over 55 with help to find specific community-based programs and information.
21 page PDF document produced jointly by the California Employment Development Department
and the Department of Veterans Affairs. A comprehensive guide for veterans to access a variety of services including employment,
rehabilitation, housing and training. |