on map for yellow pages
HDSA Chapter
President: Joseph Aloisio Email: Phone: 770-279-9207
Fax: 678-461-3518
Address: PO Box 15298 Atlanta, GA 30333
Website: No longer active |
HDSA SW Regional Dev. Director Dwayne T. Patterson
3645 Market Place Blvd. Suite 130 - PMB 288 East Point, GA 30344 Phone: 770-969-2896 Toll Free: 866-905
1116 Email:
Huntington's Disease Society of America
HDSA Center of Excellence Support Group When: 2nd Saturday of each month Time: 11:57
a.m. Where: Wesley Woods Health Center
3rd Floor Conference Room 1841 Clifton Rd.
Atlanta , GA 30329 Contact:
TBD Phone: 404-728-6822 For HD persons, HD families and caregivers. Call to be added to our mailing
list. |
Augusta Support Group: When: Last Tuesday of each month Where:
Medical College of Georgia 1429
Harper Street Augusta, Ga. Contact:
Michelle Phone: 706-231-2775 or Contact: Lisa Phone:
706-721-2798. Call for time. Open to those with HD, their family, friends and caretakers and those at risk. |
Savannah - Lowcountry Support Group
When: Last Tuesday of each month Time: 6:00 p.m. Where:
Candler Hospital Heart & Lung Building 2nd
Floor, Room 2 5353 Reynolds St.
(at DeRenne) Savannah,
GA Contact: Sandra Freyermuth Phone: 912-964-0455 Email:
Devoted to improving the quality of life and affirming the dignity of HD families and caregivers by offering
support and providing education to local health care professionals, and communities. |
Center of Excellence
Clinic Director: Randi Jones, PhD Phone: 404-728-6849 Fax: 404-728-4892
Co-Director: Claudia Testa, MD, PhD Phone: 404-728-4957
Appointments: 404-728-4957
Services include neurological evaluations, presymptomatic genetic counseling and testing,
social services, nursing follow up and medical management, community education (nursing home in-services, talks to civic groups,
health fairs), education of families either in person, by phone or mail.
HD Studies: Miraxion (TREND-HD) summer of 2005 Coenzyme Q10 (2CARE) late 2005.
The Emory HD Clinic was established in 1988 to provide a focus for clinical care and research. The Emory program
has grown to become one of the leading HD centers in the US, providing medical care, psychological and genetic counseling,
and social services to HD families. The Center is a partnership between the HDSA and the Emory HD Clinic with the goal
of improving access to care and services for Southeastern HD families. |
Huntington’s Disease/Parkinson’s Disease Movement Disorder Clinic Medical
College of Georgia 1429 Harper Street Augusta, GA 30912 Website:
Clinic Director - John C. Morgan, MD, PhD Phone: 706-721-2798 Fax: 706-721-1115
FAX Email:
Appointments: Contact: Tia Dent Phone: 706-721-2798
Services: neurological evaluations, presymptomatic genetic counseling and testing, psychological
evaluation, physical therapy, occupational therapy, speech pathology and nursing follow-up.
Studies: Currently
enrolling for a long-term observational study for HD persons and HD at-risk. It requires an annual FREE appointment and evaluation.
Contact: Lisa Woodward
Phone: 706-721-2798
The multidisciplinary HD clinic was established in 2004. Prior to moving to Augusta, Dr. Morgan was associated with the
University of Virginia’s Neurology Department an HDSA Center of Excellence. He’s been named one of the best doctors
in the Augusta area for several years in a row. |
ACLF/Nursing Homes
HD Experienced
Lake Crossing Health Center 6698 Washington Rd. Appling,
GA 30802 Phone: 706-541-0462
Georgia Long Term Care Ombudsman Program
Office of the State Long-Term Care Ombudsman 2
Peachtree Street NW, Suite 9-231
Atlanta, GA 30303-3142 Phone: (888)454-5826;
(404)463-8383 FAX: (404)463-8384
Georgia Council of
Community Ombudsmen The LTC Fact Sheet index has invaluable
information on how to select long term
Information on Assistive Technologies, Disability, Guardianships, Hospices, Medicaid, Medicare, Patient
Advocacy groups, Social Workers, Social Security to United Way!
Information on Applying for Government Benefits, Disability & SSDI, Estate
Planning, Financial Aid Resources, Insurance’s, Long Term care and Huntington's Disease specific resources |