Click on the underlined subject to be taken to information.
programs and services. Donations can be earmarked for one of the funds shown on this HDSA website or you can designate your donation strictly for Research or Family Services.
Huntington's Disease Society of America
158 West 29th Street, 7th Floor New York, N.Y. 10001-5300 Phone: (212) 242-1968 or 800-345-HDSA (345-4372) Fax: (212( 239-3430
Personal Note:
The HDSA also established the Kelly E. Miller Juvenile HD Fund to support families who have a child with juvenile Huntington's Disease. Donations can be made to the HDSA with your donation marked for the Kelly E. Miller Juvenile HD Fund.
Hereditary Disease Foundation
The HDF appreciates donations towards Research on Huntington's Disease. 100% of every public donation will fund scientific research.
The Hereditary Disease Foundation
2444 Wilshire Boulevard, #511
Santa Monica, CA. 90403
Phone: (310) 575-9656
Donations Through Employers
If you want to know more about how to give to Community Health Charities or include us in your employee giving campaign - visit the Employee Giving Campaigns section of this site. If you would like to find how Community Health Charities works in your community, visit our Local Offices.
Local offices are affiliates of Community Health Charities that work within the community to create strategic alliances and local workplace giving campaigns. These affiliates link employees with their local health charities and services. Please contact our State Affiliates to find out how Community Health Charities works in your community.
Check with your United Way local office to see if Huntington's Disease Society is listed and request your employee designated your contributionsto United Way to the code provided for HD. For example:
Florida the code is 4221
New York the code is 0526 for HDSA
Texas the code is 050038 for HDSA
Washington the code is 5679 for the HDSA WA Chapter
Virginia/DC the code is 6009 for HDSA
HDSA is engaged in efforts to protect the rights of our HD families, in addition to bringing into focus the difficult situations these families encounter to the attention our federal, state and local elected officials through advocacy. Educating elected officials and community leaders about the needs of those facing this devastating degenerative disease is one of the best tools we have at this time in the fight against HD. Read how YOU can help!
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Huntington's Disease Society of America- Latest information released to the Press by the HDSA
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