INDEX Page Naz's Special Needs Resources
The tips on the following pages have been compiled because of a demand by parents and caregivers of children with special needs for inexpensive alternatives to daily living aids and ideas.
Click on the category of your choice or just browse through all the suggestions.
Clothing & Accessories
Daily Living & Life Skills
Fun and Games
Behavior Modification
Accessibility in New Home Construction or Renovations
Home Therapy
Latex Allergy
Pantry Remedies & Substitutions
Sensory Issues
Tube Feeding

Children With Disabilities Web site offers families, service providers, and other interested individuals information about advocacy, education, employment, health, housing, recreation, technical assistance, and transportation covering a broad array of developmental, physical, and emotional disabilities.
Federal Resources - Technical Assistance
Below is a list of resources for technical assistance for children with disabilities.
- Able Generation
Able Generation designs and manufactures pediatric therapeutic furniture for children with special needs/early intervention.
- AbilityHub - Assistive Technology for computers and disability
AbilityHub is an assistive technology related web site for people with a disability who find operating a computer difficult, maybe even impossible. AbilityHub is a starting point for finding information concerning assistive technology and will direct you to adaptive equipment and alternative methods available for accessing computers.
- Adaptive Environments Center, Inc.
Its mission is to promote, facilitate, and advocate for international adoption of policies and designs that enable every individual, regardless of disability or age, to participate fully in all aspects of society.
- Alliance for Technology Access
The mission of the Alliance for Technology Access is to connect children and adults with disabilities to technology tools.
- Assistive Technology Training Online (ATTO)
The Assistive Technology Training Online Project provides internet-based training in both general and specific areas of adapted computer use. We focus on AT applications that address the needs of students with disabilities in elementary classrooms.
- Technical Assistance and Dissemination Projects of the Office of Special Education Programs
Provides address and descriptions of the many resources available under the Office of Special Education Programs.
- The Center for Accessible Technology
The Center for Accessible Technology (CforAT) began in 1983 as the Disabled Children's Computer Group, a cooperative effort by parents, professionals and people with disabilities to harness the emerging power of computer technology to aide children with disabilities. CforAT has grown to become a consumer-based technology resource and demonstration center for adults and children with disabilities, families, teachers, and professionals.
- Innovative Products
Innovative Products is dedicated to manufacturing mobility devices that assist children with severe physical disabilities, such as cerebral palsy and spina bifida, so they may interact on the same level as their able-bodied peers. Acting as a catalyst, our customized mobility devices allow children the freedom to initiate exploration, enhance problem-solving experiences, and increase self esteem and peer perception.
- University Affiliated Programs (UAPs)
UAPs are located at major universities and teaching hospitals in all states, the District of Columbia, the U.S. Virgin Islands, Puerto Rico and territories. UAPs target and engage in activities to support the independence, productivity, integration and inclusion into the community of individuals with developmental disabilities and their families.
Learn about agencies, organizations, programs, and other information in your area by State, Territory or Federally Recognized Indian Tribe.
Below is a list of resources on recreation for children with disabilities.
- Achievable Concepts
The Children with Disabilities pages outlines specialised recreation products such as trikes and cycling options, beach wheelchair, Mt Buggy, adapted games for co-ordination and skill and cognitive games. It also covers specialised books for children which cover a number of disabilities such as epilepsy and asthma.
- Camp Lee Mar
A special camp for special kids.
- Fun-Attic Sports and Toys
Many of our products adapt very well to the special needs of handicapped participants.
- Granny's Touring Trikes
We manufacture recumbent trikes for children age 10 and above, seniors and people who can not ride a regular bike due to lack of balance or other disabilities. These trikes are the modern recumbent style which is fun to ride and much safer, faster and easier to pedal than the old style trikes. We also make recumbent trikes with electric power assist.
- Make-A-Wish Foundation
Grants wishes of children with terminal or life-threatening illnesses.
Below is a list of resources for families with children with disabilities.
- @ctive Teen
@ctive Teen is managed by teens with disabilities for teens with disabilities. We are an online cyber community where we can socialize, educate one another and just have fun together.
- KidPower
KidPower Family Support Resource is a support and informational non-profit organization for families whose children are mildly affected by cerebral palsy and/or other disabilities.
- The Fathers Network
Our mission is to celebrate and support fathers and families raising children with special health care needs and developmental disabilities.
- Sibling Support Project
To increase the availability of peer support and educational programs for brothers and sisters of people with special health and developmental needs.
Fun Things To Do!
Find fun things to do that focus on children with disabilities. Information such as camps, conferences, and more are found here.
Kids Next Door An exciting site sponsored by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development.
Puzzles & Games - An interactive experince for the entire community.

PACER - The mission of PACER Center is to expand opportunities and enhance the quality of life of children and young adults with disabilities and their families, based on the concept of parents helping parents. With assistance to individual families, workshops, and materials for parents and professionals, and leadership in securing a free and appropriate public education for all children, PACER's work affects and encourages families in Minnesota and across the nation.
Click on symbol to go to PACER's information on that topic:
includes information on:
What Parents Need to Know About Children with Disabilities and the Delinquency System
Effects of Disabilities in the Justice System
Project Success to Date
A Slide into Chaos: Adolescent Depression, 1996
A list of Resources for the Juvenile Justice Program
includes information such as:
Does My Child Have an Emotional or Behavioral Disorder? What to look for in your child.
Preventing and Treating Challenging Behavior in Young Children
Behavioral Interventions Guide
includes good information such as:

Plus many more excellent resources.
